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Snowy Egrets

laura rossi

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I don't know whether this photo is nice or not....what do you think?

Thanks for your time and for your suggestions!

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Thanks AJ and thanks Brad for your comments...I'll defintely try it in BW, good hint!


For the anonimous raters: I would appreciate am little explanation for your 3-3 ...why ??? I can accept a negative rating, but I'd like to hear the reason for it...thanks!

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Hi Laura,


This is a very interesting image of bird behaviour. . not only did you capture the interaction of the adults but you also caught the babies imitating the parents. . very well done . . . Donna.

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non ho parole per questa immagine. A parte che è ben eseguita, ma a livello emotivo è così piena di poesia che mi commuove.....
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