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Mister Beau Jangles, Dance!


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This made me think of the song about Mister Beau Jangles..... dance.

If he were my dog, I think I would call him Beau Jangles.

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Guest Guest


Very well exposed cute, great details and of natural colors


Wishing you all of the best

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Lovely image and nice dog! Beautiful use of natural colours. All my compliments and regards. Maury
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Maggie my dear, what on earth have you done? You posted this for ratings, unbelievable.

Yes, it's just a photo of a dog. If you don't know why this has received great ratings, I'll need to send you an email.

This is an outstanding photo of 'just a dog'! You didn't list any tech stuff. What camera did you use?

So, do you actually want me to rate this?

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Just testing the waters in the ratings. That's kinda like going out on a raft with a short pole. :) Sure, slap an average dog rate on it.


I didn't post any information because a good friend of mine once said something like there are camera snobs on PN, they never look at anything unless its a leica or hasselblad. ... well he didn't quite say that,but then YOU know what he said, cause it was YOU. And you were right.. no camera, no information. I have taken this experience and a few others into consideration and spent a little time elsewhere. Or maybe the 3/3 guys were on their break...lucky timing. Or maybe Jeremy is working his fingers to little nubbins in the abuse department and getting things under control. Who knows?


This was taken on an overcast day, but with high light reflection from water and light pavement and sand, so exposure compensation was at - 1 stop, ISO - 100, focal distance - must have been about 8 - 10 feet, with a bit of zoom, my colors set to vivid, white balance on cloudy and in P mode of my little kickass Canon S3 IS. A bit of tweaking in Paintshop Pro, downsizing, USM. Too bad I cut his tail off, though. Should have burned the log in lower left too.


Thanks so much for stopping by.

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Maggie, recently you stated ~ " I don't know if I am capable of stretching my abilities like you have done on this photo." I don't buy that one bit. That photo was just a basic snapshot. Since I don't have a studio or lighting, I had to do everything with PS. I don't usually like doing that since I'm attempting to improve my photo skills and not my photoshop skills. As I browse and see things I like, as you do as well, then we just try to produce a similar end product.

OK, here's something that you do extremely well and something that is needed to be a great artist. You are able to analyze your own work objectively, not emotionally and that's key. You saw everything about this photo that I did, your able to step back and be objective. The real professionals are able the plan the scene in advance, everything is optimized. I'm not at that point. That said, if I'm going to take photos of flowers, I do have to plan the time of day (low sun, no wind etc). What I just did last week was make a silk diffuser so the issues with the sun will be controlled and I purchased a Wimberley Plamp articulating arm (control over wind or breeze).

The reason this photo is a winner (would be rated higher if the tail and log were fixed, you were slightly lower)is: 1)yes, it's a dog photo but, a shaggy dog photo (add a couple of points) (2) the background, not competing, color and tones are neutral (3) the angle of stride is slightly oblique (4) he's matted

Some others won't agree, that's why their photos look different than ours.

You seem to be hung up on the fact that some of the better rating this photo received was because it was just a dog photo. You could say that about any genre': sunsets, nudes, birds, flowers, bugs etc.Actually, that would be a great idea, just pick one subject type and just focus on the ability to consistently produce outstanding photos and then move on to some other subject, applying the learned principles. There is one PN member that takes great photos with a P&S camera (P&S photos) but he's picked a category that his camera does well. You know the types of photos that your camera just can't deliver, don't post that category.

Ok, Missi and I aren't in a maintenance mode outside yet so it's outside we go. It's going to take the next 3 days to trim all of our bushes and hedges. I can tell you that the 15 lb gas hedge trimmer is going to leave me very uncomfortable by the end of the day.


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Thanks for the insights.

What grabbed my attention immediately about your critique is that about the time you may have been typing this, I was reading Michael Brown on this matter. How cool is that? I love his work and his blog.

I didn't know Wilson used a point and shoot. I get a bit of kick out of that notion that anything that is not a DSLR or SLR is a point and shoot. My point and shoot does movies and sound clips, telephoto, and macro/super macro, and many other things.. all settings need some knowledge of what you are doing. Like Sports mode.. Canon suggests a very fast SD card and continuous shooting and I know not what else (yet) for sports mode. Its more of a challenge to get shots without noise and chromatic abberations. :)) I am only partly serious about that remark, but having limitations does teach me more about shooting, I think.

Hope you are getting closer to the 'maintenance' stage on your acres of garden. I just have a 100 X 100 ft lot and most of that is house and driveways. Another case of making the most of the thing with limitations. :) In a few years there will be downsizing even more, me thinks.

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A Point & Shoot camera is any camera that you don't need to attach a lens to take a photo (my version).
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Silver hair & ragged shirt & baggy pants.... the old soft shoe.... Hey, it all adds up. I may use this for my Bio photo
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If you can dance, you may use it! Notice how he is using his two left feet?


But wait for my shots of the Lipizzan stallions before you decide! Going to see them Saturday... wish me luck.

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