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Outside light, overcast day, late afternoon. One tripod leg out to use as a monopod. ISO 400, f/5.6

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There is a dog park near the house. I can get some good images there

sometimes. People ususally ask if I'm a photographer when I have the

gear on, I'm wondering if I could earn a few extra dollars promoting

myself in there with a portfolio of shots like this one for visitors

to look through as I shoot their dog.

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I think you are on the right track. This shot is very natural and captures the action very well. Good focus, nice exposure and great use of DOF. Nice work.
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Jacob: perhaps better to hand them a card that bears the URL to a web page where they can see your work at their own pace and read about how you'd sell such images, etc? At a dog park the owners (well, the responsible ones, anyway!) are usually focusing on their dog... and may not be as able to really take in what you'd show them on the spot. People do love their dog pictures, though. The image you're showing here certainly captures the dog in a lively mode... but either a different sun angle, or a tiny bit of flash fill might provide some catch light in the eyes, and the eyes are always the firt focus for a dog owner. Good luck!



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