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the red phone #2

Canon 20D, EFS 17-85, ISO 800, @75 mm, f8, 1/15 sec, raw, color sat., level/contrast adjustement, sharpenning.

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I still don't know are you lucky or just have good eye, or both. I guess both. Composition, color, crop, etc. have to be this good on this low contrast image to pop.
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Thanks Samir for your comment...always much appreciated...late afternoon light (almost sunset), low contrast and only colors pops, I pushed the red a bit, but no contrast enhancement...


one thing I am lucky is that you appreciate it because you seem to be the only one (apart from me :-)...

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yes.. original and well thought picture.. Problem is that many people who rate (anonymous) don't take the time to think about what they are viewing, at least acknowledge and respect the originality and the cleverness of it (match of colors red and grey, reflection, grid effect and other lines, double layer). Like it or not (i do), I think the 'originality' rating feature is poorly used by members in general..
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Thanks Michael...your supportive words always encourage me to try harder...


Alex, well thanks a lot...not sure I deserve specials for this one but for sure I appreciated doing it and I like very much the comprehension effort you did...believe me or not after spotting the general scene I did about 25 shots to come up with this one (not a garantee of quality just of effort)...bad photographer need time for doing simple things :-)

...I have versions with people, with other cars passing in BG, with only the phone and parked silver car...the red car stopped at traffic light (not parked), a nice coincidence...this is the one I prefer for the very same reasons you mentionned...


Amal you are a real gentlemen...thanks for your supportive words and encouragment...you are a source of motivation to share words and images...

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Another one of your very stylistic images. It is so clean it makes my teeth hurt! The grid lines are everything in this photo (IMHO). Well, yes, there is the splash of red, which you so admire.... And, then, there is the dynamism of the vehicles half there darting off in their own trajectories.... Damn, the whole image just comes together marvelously.
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i love this for all of the reasons stated above. since i am not as eloquent as many of my PN friends, i am glad they have said it for me! i do find myself wanting to straighten the vertical lines in the grid though.
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Thanks Daily, Jack, Karina, Ruud, David and Linda for your comments and encouragment...


Linda thanks for your suggestion about the grid...I don't think it would work better since the most important vertical in this image is the phone cord that is much brighter than the grid lines on the phone booth interior wall...I just tried for comparison...

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Laurent, i agree with you about the line of the cord...what about this? i straightened the grid on the left side using the distort feature from edit

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Linda, many thanks for taking the time...I like your transformation better than my simple rotation...I am usually reluctant to do such transform because it changes the local properties of the image (by extending the pixels on some area more than on others), but defintiely I think it might help...again many thanks for fruitful exchanges.
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Better late than never I guess but I could not let this go without a congratulations. Excellent shot Laurent.
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