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As spring slowly moves in, the frozen river gradually thaws out, leaving these blocks of ice on

its trail.


Thanks for your time.

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WOW!!!! What a great shot, you continue to amaze me.Did you use a flash to light the ice in the foreground? Regards-Ross
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Thank you all for the very kind comments.

Ross, thanks for your continued support, I really appreciate it. To answer your question, I do not use the flash but rather a ND grad (cokin p121). The light emanating from the ice is merely the reflection of ambient light.

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Younes, really dramatic scene you got going on. A lot of interesting elements. I must say that the ice seems to be almost too well lit compared to the sky. I had the same thought of a flashlight being used.
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Thanks Michelle and Will.

Will, that's really nothing more than the 3 stop ND grad combined with the reflection off the ice...postprocessing was really kept to a minimum for curves adjustments.

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Great foreground! Unusual, but once the eye explores it properly it kicks ass, to put it that way. Well done!
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Guest Guest


Younes, This is incredible! I love it! I don't know how else to put it! LOL... Just stunning!



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Thanks Angela, really appreciate your support and kind words :-) And I am glad you like it, the conditions were so-so for most of the day until quite late, and when I got there, I really couldn't find anything to please my eyes until the sun had actually gone down, so your appreciation really makes it worthwile (not that I mind going out and taking photos :-D)
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Incredible shot! The placing of the ice is the clincher, the light reflecting through is simply amazing.
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Extremely well done. I like that this wasn't such a long exposure which would have smoothed the clouds out across the sky. They go nicely with the ice.
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This landscape looks fantastic!!! I don't know how you've managed the ice to be so light... It looks like they are giving light those icecubes.. :-)..... Amazing. Congretulations! Very impressive.
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Thanks Tom, Aaron, Bianca and Mircea! I really appreciate you taking the time to drop by :-)
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this is truly beautiful. amazing effort and the depth u've achieved here feels as though a viewer could walk into the picture. once again. well done
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Younes, this is just one of your best ever. The blue luminous ice vs the red sunset...perfect. I think you convince me to get this 3-stop GND because I do not know how else to achieve such a result otherwise. Thank you again for sharing your work here, it is an encouragement to the rest of us here on PN :)
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Thank you all!

Kurt, I am really flattered, this means a lot to me. I think the Cokin GND are cheap enough to try out even if you don't like them :-). The only thing I don't like about them is that they don't have hard edge GNDs. That said, there always is the digital ND trick with two exposures blended in PS.

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The blending is difficult to do right, especially if there is motion in the clouds and/or water. Your filter worked quite well here. I'm guessing you masked the upper third, and the softer edge was not a problem unless you wanted it exactly along the horizon? Thanks!
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This is really unbelievable. I'm really impressed (and thanks to other comments and your replies I'm learning a lot). Regards. G.
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