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Shot through the windshield as I was driving I15

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Yes, very good, David. Archetypal. The odd cast of the color jogs this image out of present-day, consensus reality and into some nameless, timeless place, as if you had suddenly awakened after a long, long sleep and found yourself inexplicably travelling along this highway.
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Yes, I'm afraid the prevailing taste at P.net is diverging quite a bit from my own. I'm beginning to question the value of staying here.
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But you have all those fans. The reality is that it would be hard to find an audience of comparable quality any other way that I know of. I have an account on Flickr, and find it to be far less effective in terms of getting viewers, and quality feedback. (Yeah, even worse than P.net). So, while I have plenty of complaints and often get discouraged, I have yet to find anything better.
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seems like you have a 90% probability that going right is the right way. Was this just parked there, or was it actually moving? Cheers, Micheal


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We were actually moving along at about 70 MPH. Not very smart to try to take pictures while driving, but it looks like I pulled it off this time. I'd also say that there is about a 90 percent chance of hitting that truck if he brakes.
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Thanks again. I can't say exactly why I gave it the color cast I did. It just felt right for some reason. Reminds me of a snapshot that might have been taken in the sixties or seventies and is starting to deteriorate.
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Great capture David. The colors really work well for this image.


This is a great example of a picture telling more than words could ever describe. A tale that comes up in my mind right now is how the 'Keep Right' signs are trying to persuade the driver to head to the Vegas Strip to engage in 'sinful' acts like gambling and peep shows, whereas the sole left sign says there's still a way to escape and go back to the 'normal', civilized world.


Actually, I can think of many more stories that this image could tell. I can see why this image doesn't score high marks in the aesthetic ratings, but it's quite original, and it's well spotted - which makes it a good image - at least for me.


Best regards,


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I love your interpretation. I just liked all the conflicting instructions, but your interpretation is much more dramatic. Good thoughts. Much appreciated.
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You shouldn't shoot while driving--it's dangerous. The dark patch of blue at the top reminds me of children's drawings where they color in the blue sky, but only at the very top, leaving a big patch of white in between the "sky" and the ground. Made me laugh thinking about it.
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Can't argue with you, I should not drive and shoot. Sometimes a guy has got to do what a guy has got to do. That's great about the kid's drawings. Thanks so much.
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