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Dr. 7/7 visiting the brain of a true 3/3 rater. Homer Simpson


All images from public archives except pictures in the eyes from, Juan Santana.Homer Simpson is copyrighted by fox network.

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Very good idea and composition :) It's good to know i'm not the only one hating people who rates 3/3 without any explanation. I think we all agree that a 3/3 needs an explanation.. otherwise... how could we improve? Anyway... funny and very good composition. I think i won't rate it 3/3 :)
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Hehe at least now we'll have a clue for the ones who'll rate this 3/3.
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Thanks Juan for your reaction; By the way, i got 3's all the time.Its not nice when the photo was rated good, and than someone gives you 3's. But it keeps me humble...haha. I do like your idea's! You must be very creative.
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Realmente es una excelente idea una imagen digna del coco o del amargado de fotonet es un reconocimiento a su capacidad de criterio y vision gran homenaje para el Mr 3/3 Felicidades

Its a really good image for the photo net devil congratulation and best regards fo all the Mr 3/3

Jorge Luis

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Well... Ratings 1 and 2 are not visible. Let us ban 3. And 4. And 5. And 6. No other ratings than 7/7 allowed - and life would be beautiful, huh?!
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Muy buen trabajo, Excelente imagen que vale mas que mil palabras, la ciencia del Dr. 7, contra el 3/3. Saludos cordiales Juan. PN. no seven..Very good work, Excellent image that is worth but that a thousand words, the science of the Dr. 7, against the 3/3. Cordial greetings Juan. PN. non seven.
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i don't want anything to be banned, all I ask is the if anybody get a 3 or anything below 3, don't hide annonymously just give a good explanation of what he or she find wrong with such a picture, this is why PN is all about, to learn from each other in anyway possible no to kill a good picture rating from great photographers just because he or she don't like it. if you rate 3, put a good explanation PERIOD.
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We can understand your point of view Mr. Juan, but please take into account two things: first - a rating of 3 does not mean "bad" but only "below average" (and statistically a half of things are below average and another half is above); and second - the anonymous rating system works as it works, you give a rating and advance to the next pic... Consider also that there is nothing in this world that all people like because every single person has its own taste. They are people who think Mona Lisa is ugly - and it is perfectly OK. On the other hand even an uncommented low rating has an informative value - it means there is a person around who does not like it too much. Surely a commented rating is better, but just no rating is definitely worse as it carries no information. We (G&P) would gladly see even all the "1" and "2" ratings given to our photos just to know what is the real, unmodified average.
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I can agree with you, Paweł & Grażyna Hachaj. Different people has different tastes, thank god. I'm not into banning 3/3 or below, i just think (and i agree with the pic author) that a 3/3 should be explained. This is the point. I can rate a picture 1/1, why not? But i've the moral due to explain it, otherwise the author won't improve or learn by mistakes. I would be a very very very bad teacher if i didn't explain a bad rate to my student!!
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Mr. Pawel, because the way you defend them, I "assume" you must be one anonymous 3/3 rater because the best proof is in Mr. Weier observation (Last Comment) >LOL!!! great. How funny to see that the low rates are from the anonymous< which prove my point that if this 2 3/3 rater don't like my art, just tell me, it's garbage, it need better work with the clone stamp (Which I know. just tell me why I can check the portfolio of everyone who rate me and see they are all great but I can check your because you are hiding.

Best observation about this come from Mr. MANUEL COLOMBO::

I can agree with you, Paweł & Grażyna Hachaj. Different people has different tastes, thank god. I'm not into banning 3/3 or below, i just think (and i agree with the pic author) that a 3/3 should be explained. This is the point. I can rate a picture 1/1, why not? But i've the moral due to explain it, otherwise the author won't improve or learn by mistakes. I would be a very very very bad teacher if i didn't explain a bad rate to my student!!


I'm not consider a professional Photographer and love coorretin on my picture like I get from Mr. julio Segura Carmone Which I consider a Top Photographer, His Landscape are awesome, beautiful and with an incredible sky color out of this world so when he talk to teach...I listen. SO WHY YOU 3/3 DO THE SAME IF YOU ARE SO GOOD. Someone once said " Follow, Lead or get out of Photo Net"


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Mr. Juan, don't you suppose that a 3/3 rating given to this very picture is a joke by itself?...


We are grateful for every rating given to our own photos, even anonymous 3/3, even invisible 1/1. We do not deny other people to do what they want as long as it is within the rules. We rate other photos (mostly anonymously) from 1/1 to 7/7, of course 3/3 happens too. We could feel outraged by your treating everyone who gives anonymous 3/3 as a mindless fool - but we are not outraged, we treat it all from a distance. It's all about fun, why to be angry? But if receiving anonymous ratings upsets you we promise to try to never give you any anonymous rating. But this won't help you much we are afraid.


By the way, if someone does not like to receive anonymous rating, he could use "critique only" option when submitting the picture to the critique forums. Oh, yeah, but it blocks all the possible 7/7-s too!

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Like Carlos Mecia said! dee. dee, dee! case close.



Anyway, Case close. however....if I see a picture of you, (and this is talking for myself) and I like it, I will rate it accordingly and if is bad or fair, I will rather put a comment than to rate it below 4/4 about you, I will love to know at what time you get on photo net just to keep away from you.

I have not given my first 3/3 or 2/2 to anyone yet because I rather help a fellow phtographer if I can, help than destroy his inspiration.

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This is your best yet!!!! This is fantastic! And I am glad that you are a crusader for the anti-3/3 rater. You summed it up when you used the word "Moral". I think we have a moral obligation to comment if giving a 3/3 rating. I also don't think it is right to give 3/3 just becuase you don't like the subject of a picture. I don't like big trucks but I gave a 6/6 to a truck the other day because it was a great photo. There are people on PN I think that don't understand "art" and the merits and value of a piece. They rate 3/3 just because they don't like the subject and that is wrong. I think you are right - we must all be teachers even if we're not great teachers. Well done and thank you Juan!
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Hello! Juan,

I'm Glad you came out with this idea, I feel the same way, Every time I post a Photo, I don't mind to get low rating if it comes with a good reason Why? because y want to improve my skills, and i don't want some body to Kill my motivation,(anonymous). I'm very Thankful to all those people who take there time to answer my questions and explain there methods.

Also I wonder if there are some 3/3 raters out there that rate low because they don't want others to be on top of them. I have seen very good Photographs in this website rated 3/3 (Not mine). and I think that is not fear if you don't explain why, Oh if any body doesn't like flies, rats , snakes, etc. It doesn't mean the Photograph is Bad. That is what I think.I'm not here to be The Best, I'm here to learn from all of you.

Best Regards Juan.

Omar Martinez.

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Seriously funny. See my post in casual conversations, under Ball Study (1)...I think some of the chronic anonymous 3/3ers are members of Phot.net staff.
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