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Bill's Barbershop

joel aron

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All week, I was looking forward to getting back to Bill's. I had 10

minutes on Saturday in between running around getting things done on

my one day off when stores are open.


I drove past Bill's, and shot him a wave. He waved back, and I pulled

over. I dashed inside, and started shooting. Ironic that Mike was in

the chair, as he was the very first person I shot at Bill's almost a

year ago with my 20D.


The light was pounding out little town today, so it was going to be

tough to match the other shots w/ the Hasselblad at Bill's. Also, I

was shooting 400T-max. A few variables to wrangle at develop time.


The neg just dried, and I scanned in at 600dpi for a 8" print at



Hasselblad 500cm : Zeiss 80mm C T*

Kodak 400TMY : TMax Dev 1:4 for 6min w/ 5 sec hard agitation every 30



Printed on Crane Museo Silver Rag

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Another winner- I really like this and your Lily shot as well. Thanks for providing the story behind each shot, it really helps bring it to life.
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Ok, of course I see Rockwell in this; however, not from the Americana tableau but rather from the features of each face and how the lines, contours and lighting bring out their character...and...their characters in contrast to each other. This is an excellent image with many small details many might miss but all will be affected by. For example the raised hair of the man in the foreground and the raised hair of the barber. The wonderful edge-lit profile and the descending light of the apron. The sign. And the street outside, faded just enough so it is not noise, but visible enough to show that this is a village-like street.
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