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Salton Sea II

tom grubbe

I don't remember if I used an ND grad here or not. I think the sun was low enough so it wasn't necessary. This was shot from Bombay Beach on the eastern shore of the Salton Sea looking south.

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Thanks Ollie, the horizon is out there about 15 miles away. The Salton Sea is an enormous lake with unique characteristics. At times it seems like another planet.
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The light is outstanding. Although the horizon is hazy, in the foreground there's a crispness that the sidelighting creates. I also like the composition - carefully arranged like a still life. I would encourage everyone to enjoy Tom's portfolio. In his bio he expressed a desire to learn and improve, and you can see that this attitude is paying off in a big way.
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Very beautiful. Superb composition and great subject. I love the fading background and the clear foreground. Congrats on the POW. Well done!
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This is visually stunning because of the gritty texture and detail against the empty softness of the background. It really knocks you back in your seat. The light is incredible--a landscape photographers dream.


I enjoy the personality of left most shapes, and especially the different sizes of each object that are revealed by the light touching some and not others. The shapes in the shadows on the right are also quite interesting.


There isn't much to be picky about. I am more drawn to photos with a graphical design, so naturally I wish somehow all of these objects could be better organized. The left and right sides don't fit together that well. It doesn't flow, but that probably isn't the point of the photo. Things don't always need to be organized to be beautiful and that's a lesson here. It's simply a beautiful study of light and texture, lack of texture and maybe some man-made chaos.

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Beautiful light, as others have mentioned. In contrast to David's comment, I do see the left

and right sides fitting together (even though their forms are quite different), in the sense that

the right can be seen as the place of origin or, alternatively, as the "destination" of the single

structures on the left. The image evokes a sense of movement between right and left,

although I'm unsure of the direction.

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Looking at this some more tonight I'm starting to sense a gentle movement from right to left. Everything seems to step along the tops of the posts until it finally comes to rest over on the left-most post. I think the way many of the posts, > shapes and shadows bend to the left helps to create that movement.
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Look at the triangles. The triangles (in the logs, in the sky at right) create a circular movement, counter-clockwise. This keeps your eye in the image. It's like a still life composition.
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I think the sticks coming out of the water are trying to spell something in another language...I actually tried to figure it out! It's a great photo!
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One of the most beautiful evenings i've seen in PN forum.The whole theme seems suspended in the air, the color is well balanced between warm and cool tones.Wonderful work Tom.
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I loved the lack of a horizon,

it would have distracted from

the main subject in the for-front.

The way the light is just touching

the posts seams to set them on fire.

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I like your whole portfolio. I'm familiar with that kind of photographs and I found it very interesting. I don't know to which particular style it belongs, only that it is a modern.


I have a feeling that you used Neutral Density filter, long exposure, to get such a crystal structure. The wooden pillars or so, are just decorative elements and nothing more, in my opinion. But they creates the meaning of that composition. The colours are perfect and clean, so it gives me the feeling of loneliness. The cadre is just right for setting up the real model.

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Very serene with that sweet late day light. The comp is very good & the background almost goes into separate layers. Congrats on POW
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Beautifully simple in the composition. This piece really grabs your attention. The lighting is perfect. How many shots did you take when getting this?
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First off I'd like to thank photo.net for giving my image the POTW. It's really an honor especially given the number of images to choose from. I also appreciate all the nice comments. I'm humbled to be sure.

I almost didn't scan this slide. My shots are usually much busier than this so it didn't grab me right away. I guess simple is good eh? Anyway, I shot about four images of this scene but only scanned this one. If you want to know this exact spot go here.

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