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Barcelona beach scene


Near-sunset snap shot of a weird building (art?) on the Barceloneta beach.


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I took this image on the Barcelona beach and deliberately included

the person -- the beach was quite deserted as it wasn't really warm

weather yet. Including a single person, I think, emphasizes the

relative emptyness of the beach at that evening.


A friend of mine suggested the image would be better without the

person in it, showing just the building. What do you think?


Thanks for your time and comments.

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It would be better for the person to be standing on the sand looking at to sea, and chop about 1mm off the bottom where you can see the pavement. JMO. Nice simple shot.
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have to agree with the previous poster. The person should either be next to the 'sculpture' or left out altogether.
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Guest Guest


I personally think that it would work with the person IF they were more visible, and looking out to sea (like someone has already suggested), with their back to you.. you would then get the perspective of the size difference between human and building... add nicely to the 'rule of thirds' as well... however, at the moment, the person does look a little out of place...


One other comment I would like to make, is that I personally believe this image would have a bit more impact if it was brighter.. maybe exposing it for a little bit more, so instead of having uniform greyness you would intensify the colour of the red building, the sand and the sky. However, if you wanted to show more of the lonely, grey, stormy side of the image, under expose it... or alternatively, take it at a different time of day (dawn for example).... at the moment, to me, its just grey..


It has potential though!.. And yes, cut the pathway out!

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The figure works where it is, as a counterpoint to the building, "scale setter", and reason for the left side of the picture to exist.
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The picture only works because of the person. The person is necessary for both balance and scale. Actually if the person was more prominent it would balance the photo a little better.
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I'd like to see this picture again with more colours, really bright sky and and saturated colours for the sculpture. I think it would lift the graphical element of this picture.
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The way the person is shown in the image now is not the way to do it. It now looks as if this is an accidental passer by. You expose the photo and, oops, damn, someone walked into the frame.


If you do want to have a person in this image - and I think the image should have that - he or she should have been in the foreground on the left. What you see now is an insignificant dot.

Perhaps someone sitting with his/her back to the camera looking towards the see. Or leaning against the building even, starting into the distance.

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Thanks everybody for taking time to comment on my photo!


About the pathway/pavement: I agree, I should have cropped more carefully.


About the colours: they are pretty accurate as far as I can remember. Maybe it would look better with brighter colours. I'll experiment a bit with Photoshop.


About the person: I deliberately waited for that passer-by to arrive at that spot, so he's not there accidentally. On the other hand, I was there with my father, so I guess I should have asked him to "jump in the shot" and have him stand a bit closer (i.e., larger person in the frame).

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