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Bank of Donovan

Mike Marcotte

D76 Developer

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what a great shot of a small town bank in such a unique old bldg. Great contrast and tones and I do love the subject!! Mike, I do want to take this opportunity to thank you for all your kind words and ratings for me this year. Also, wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, and successful new year. I look forward to seeing more of your great work and by the way, all your photographs matter!!
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Thanks Janie & a Merry Christmas to you & yours as well. Looks like Texas & Illinois have a little in common is some places. This country is so full of potential photographs. Happy New Year!
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Another great B&W shot. I like the simplicity of your vision here -- straight on, high-contrast, and unadorned. Very powerful. You really have made some shots that matter here.
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