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1/20 secf/4ISO 1600

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Thanks for your comment Jim. This was shot using the reflection from a stainless steel toaster and I kinda liked the distortion and feel.
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Such a unique shot. I would have never guessed how you obtained this! It reminds me of old German expressionist films like The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. This is a mood/look I NEVER see in modern photography. It makes me want to go out and create my own noir expressionist photograph. Nice work!
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Cheers Brian. Very interested to hear your thoughts and references. All I need to do now is carry a stainless steel toaster around with me at night and work on some more interesting compositions... ;-)
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Drew, This is a very cool dark image. Quite the painterly effect, like something out of a dream. Tough to describe, but it definetely makes for a haunted feeling. You do amazing work! I will be watching for a man and his toaster. Don't trip on the cord though! Regards, Todd
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:-) Cheers Todd, I'm actually giving the toaster idea some more thought. I have a vision of me parking up in some bleak industrial landscape long after midnight, grabbing a few shots and then using a car lighter adapter to power the thing and reward myself with a few slices of toast..... ;-)
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Interesting image! Like an old black and white film drama. Maybe making it more grainy would enhance the effect and add to the feeling.
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thanks for your visit to my portfolio. I think this is a great image, & my favourite here. Keep shooting!
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hi Drew really like the grainy feel to this one! good compositon. samme
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Drew: A personal note: I cannot thank you enough for your kind visits to my photos. I have a great admiration for you, and in this photograph, a great admiration for your work. This is most powerful, and especially the use of grain, like good old photography school. Superb effect and visual impact. My sincere appreciation and my profound respect.


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....whose comment brought me back for a return visit to this fabulous image. I love this one Drew!! It belongs in a museum. Extraordinary!


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