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Brooklyn, NY, September 2006

beau 1664876222

Hasselblad 500 cm; 80mm lens; Fuji provia 100; Handheld; Straight scan with levels and auto-color.

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This is one of those pictures where I don't know whether it appeals to me because of the way it looks or because of the way it happened. A couple weeks ago I was walking in Williamsburg, Brooklyn when it started to rain pretty hard. I saw this scruffy stray cat peering out from under a car so I started to take her picture, but she didn't like that so she started down the sidewalk, kind of hunched and unhappy about getting wet. When she noticed this little box sitting on the stoop, she just climbed into it, trying to stay dry. I usually travel with a camera loaded exclusively with B&W film, but in this instance I happened to be carrying a Hasselblad that I had been using for an assignment, and it had exactly two frames of chrome left in it. I had to hand-hold it at 1/60, which is dicey with that camera, and then for some reason I stuck the exposed film into this little pocket of my bag that I never use. Having forgotten where I put the film, I ran my bag through a security x-ray machine 14 times before rediscovering it. I was pretty sure the picture wouldn't work out, but sometimes you get lucky.

Moderator Note:

This space previously contained a comment from another member showing a reproduction of the image, cropped in a manner suggested by that member. That comment, and the cropped image, were subsequently removed by the member who posted it. A number of comments responding to that suggestion were added before the removal, however, which have caused some confusion. The photographer's image shown above has not been altered since it was originaly posted.

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I actually prefer your original crop. Something about the white box and white graffiti playing on one another that I like. Either way, it is a priceless image.
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I also prefer the original shot: the door is not so centered, and the white graffiti, somehow balances the image (sorry Michael, yours suggestion is just like a "straight" shot, no more...) I like all the horizontal lines, and how they "end" at the step of the doorway.


Your first submisssion color shot... and full of color!



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Congratulations for this fantastic capture. Love it!

(In my opinion better in vertical format only, when door is all into image, top part too) Thanks for sharing and explaining. Best Wishes.

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I like this pic- nice color... but the composition feels a little stiff to me- maybe because of your relative inexperience with the format, and possibly tripod (if you used one). I would expect you'd get better and better at it as you go along- that's how I read it.
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This image has been selected for discussion. It is not necessarily the "best" picture the Elves have seen this week, nor is it a contest. It is simply an image that the Elves found interesting and worthy of discussion. Discussion of photo.net policy, including the choice of Photograph of the Week should not take place here, but in the Site Feedback forum.

Before writing a contribution to this thread, please consider our reason for having this forum. We have this forum because future visitors might be interested in learning more about the pictures. They browsed the gallery, found a few striking images and want to know things like why is it a good picture, why does it work? Or, indeed, why doesn't it work, or how could it be improved?

So, when contributing to this thread, please keep the above in mind. Address the strengths, the shortcomings of the image. It's not good enough to like it, you should spend some time trying to put into words why that is the case. Equally so if you don't like it, or if you can't quite make up your mind.

Let's make sure this forum is a wonderful learning resource for future photographers!

Thank you and enjoy!

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Boy, I'd hope I could capture the unspeakable feeling I get from this image on a regular basis. Very nicely done!
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Well Beau*, I've been seeing some of your photographs here and thre on Photo.net for some time. I think it's fitting that you run the gauntlet on Picture of the Week--especially with this photograph. I love it, just as it is. The subdued red overall color is pleasing and the surprise of the cat in the box is amusing and typical of some of your other material. You seem to catch THE moment time after time, although I know from experience that that is a skill, most of us don't have, but which you have in abundence. Nice job and congratulations for being chosen for POW.


If I had any derogatory comment, it would concern the brightness of the graffiti. It could be toned down just a tad and still be present in the image but wouldn't tend to draw the eye quite so much. Nice Pic.


Willie the Cropper

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I'm also a fan of your work. I saw this shot about a week ago I noticed how different it was from your other images. To tell the truth I would say I was disappointed and felt it was just not up to scratch. I feel this shot is flat, common and two dimensional. A 'snap' of a cat being a cat in a pretty doorway, somewhere.
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For me, I think the composition is fine, and in fact its the overwhelming nature of the large

wall and doors in red and the little box with the littler cat that makes this pic a winner in my

book. You can talk about moving things around etc, but I'm not sure it would improve things

greatly, unless you cropped it out of the 6x6 format.

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Closed, red,stop. The more you look, the more the gap between the small box and the door frame. The ever growing number of closed doors, the ever shrinking space of isolated beings. The cat could be a child, a political prisoner, a soul. This image reminds me of the importance of art, which could provide us with a window to what's becoming of us.


Well, it is how I saw it, Great shot. Are you carrying a camera all the time now Beau*?

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Despite your outstanding BW portfolio, it had to be your only submission in color the one selected as a POW... interesting, is not it?



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Nicely done street shot with a story. I agree with Charo, interesting your only color shot & it was chosen. Works well in square format
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Beau -


Congratulations - isn't it always the way that unexpected events bring the most interesting results. Take care, Amelia

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I like it that the cat, the doorknob, and the little swatch of graffiti are basically the only elements in the photograph that have curves. It makes for a very strong image, and the composition is excellent, in my opinion. I think the light is perfect. As far as the emotional impact, it does make me a bit sad to look at it.


I like it a lot. Congratulations and compliments.

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