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Blind Chevy II


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The problem is, I know that the front of the car is pretty much all in one plane. If the headlight is sharp, I'd normally expect the grillwork to be sharp as well, and it bugs me that it it isn't.


I don't think you need to worry about drawing attention to the headlight; it looks like the car's eye, and so naturally draws our attention.

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I think I agree with Will here, Daniel. I think the fact that the grillwork isn't appearing sharp, as if it's in the same plane as the headlight, bothers me. But then, was that what you were going for here?
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paul & will, thanks for your thoughts. i will attach the original shot. as I stared at it, I just felt like it was needing some kind of treatment, i wasn't sure what, so I thought i'd try a rather drastic blurring. I didn't know if it would help or hurt, and I'm still not convinced one way or the other, but it seems by the reaction it's not a big hit. oh well, just an experiment.

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