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This image has been selected for discussion. It is not necessarily the "best" picture the Elves have seen this week, nor is it a contest. It is simply an image that the Elves found interesting and worthy of discussion. Discussion of photo.net policy, including the choice of Photograph of the Week should not take place here, but in the Site Feedback forum.

Before writing a contribution to this thread, please consider our reason for having this forum. We have this forum because future visitors might be interested in learning more about the pictures. They browsed the gallery, found a few striking images and want to know things like why is it a good picture, why does it work? Or, indeed, why doesn't it work, or how could it be improved?

So, when contributing to this thread, please keep the above in mind. Address the strengths, the shortcomings of the image. It's not good enough to like it, you should spend some time trying to put into words why that is the case. Equally so if you don't like it, or if you can't quite make up your mind.

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I'm not into fashion photography, but sometimes there?s something to appreciate, the thing that I really like here is the skin color, makes the picture so surreal that is interesting but in general doesn?t belong to my favorite POW?s
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Except for three very small flecks of light, dust or reflections, I find this a delightful photograph. The somewhat desaturated skin tones set off the peacock feather hat wondrfully. The tall slim shape of the picture lend itself to the subject, and contrary to my usual cropping urges, I see no way to improve on that.


The three small defects, if that is what they are, include, 1. The smaller of the sparkles in the subjects left eye, 2. The tiny white sparkle or whatever at the base of the right eye, and 3. the larger light spot, posssibly a reflection from one of the feathers in the hat immediately above and to the left of the girls right eye. All three of these could be eliminated in a wink -- pardon the pun. A really lovely picture.


Willie The Cropper



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Great image, Wonderful colors and mood very well done! ~ Augle,
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While viewing this picture, almost half of my attention is grabbed by the large signature... so I think this qualifies well to advertise some random product: the beauty of the subject identifies with occidental standards and whatever is written gets memorized.. the peacock works well!!


As a portrait, the colour display is elegant, but I think I will forget this picture in very little time as the picture's qualities are superficial. It doesnt show me insight on personnality or charisma.. but I guess this wasnt the intent.. Cheers, O.

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Superb concept and execution with the lovely blue tonalities that really make this image work as a total concept. You and the MUA are to be congratulated emphatically. All The Best, Philip.
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The blue toning works well in complementing the peacock feathers though it seems just a little heavy-handed, particularly over the fleshtones.
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Not my cup of tea but in terms of contemporary commercial fashion photography it is quite successful.


Nice model, nice hairstylist, nice makeup, nice digital touchup, nice pose.


Her light level of the right eye bothers me though.

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the ENCONE "branding" at the bottom is very stylish and brings up all sorts of associations with the lifestyle imagery pounded into us by contemporary marketing. remove the "brand" (just cover with a finger) and suddenly the illusion disappears and you're left looking at a girl and photographer playing a vapid sort of dress-up.


it is very troubling that even an informed cynic like me can be a victim on first viewing.

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I think there is lots to like about this portrait , but I find it to be ice cold , and loses its appeal to me on that account.
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Quite fashion~~ i think the peacock feather decoration is pretty fit in the cold style~ but her expression lack of kind of attraction~
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Beautifull model, terrible make-up. I don't think I would buy that peacock feather hat if it made me look green like this.


I am freaked out by that eye on the dark side of her face staring at me. I was hoping it was another peacock feather, but its an eye. Oh oh.

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People can of course comment about this POW saying this picture does't have a "message" or any "emotional depth", or such. And of course these people will be right, to some extent, in a certain way. But I salute Olivier M., who wrote "I guess this wasnt the intent", and I salute the Elves for choosing, once in a while, a "simply competent" COMMERCIAL picture for POW.


Like it or leave it, but photographic competence is a concept that actually means a lot more to most pro photographers clients in the advertising field, than any emotional content of any more "artistic" photograph.


The message in advertising is always: "buy this". Pretty shallow indeed, but you can't really expect to see "the meaning of life" in a fashion photograph: even though this CAN happen, indirectly, sometimes, the primary goal is to sell. And it think it's good to analyze such a picture with all the above in mind, so you don't end up expecting a cat to bark.


That said, let's see how "competent" this picture is. I'd say "very good". Not really fantastic, but very good. To me, the eye in the dark is part of the picture's appeal. As a reply to a comment I read in this thread, you can't expect the soft box to be reflected the same way in both eyes if the face is turned this way. That's just photographic reality as you face it in any studio: this picture was lit in a studio, not with a 3D software. :-)


I like the expression. I think the peacock feather styling makes sense IF the product advertised here was the ear rings set. Or it would work as well for a "cover" kind of concept. I'd like to know what this picture was created for.


Somebody wrote that the make-up was terrible, and I'm very curious to know what was so terrible about it ? Of course we can like or dislike the make-up, but it looks as if a pro make-up artist worked on the model, and everything seems quite neat and tidy to me.


My only regret, in terms of aesthetics is that the color of the neck is so different from the color of the face. That, in my view, is the only little annoying thing, that feels less competent than the picture overall does. Easily adjusted in PS, but I'd really advice to touch that up for a pro portfolio.


I went to the photographer's own website, just now, and saw quite a few more fashion pictures there. I think this one is my favorite, and the best in terms of styling and lighting. But I also saw that this picture was presented with a another side profile picture from the same session.


I think the side profile has a truly ugly arm, but if you crop it off and keep a square format, the side profile is awesome imo. I wish the photographer could post it here for the sake of a comparison.

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I think this dramatic image is not really an artistic photo but rather a photo of the stylist and make-up person's creativity. Although the colors and mood are effective, here are a few things (in decreasing order of importance) that would make it better for me: The feathers across the face are ragged and don't fit with the cleaner lines of the other feathers. The uppermost hair highlights are distracting and could be toned down or cropped. I think the darker neck tone is a plus (it keeps attention on the face), but the pinkish earlobe stuck out like a small sore thumb.
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If you can't see the eye on the left, check your monitor calibration. My older monitior can only see the white speck, my new lap top looks much better.


Why is it that cold is a "bad" emotional reaction and warm is "good"? Seems like the acceptable range of emotions runs the gamut from A to B. (with apologies.)


More than any other genre, fashion shots are about the most minute detail. That's why you pay professional makeup artists. I saw an article on the subject a while back that showed a marked up proof print - several DOZEN spots were circled that needed cleaning up. This is a proof print - great for discussion, but not yet ready for a portfolio.

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"To me, the eye in the dark is part of the picture's appeal." Marc, I see your point. The darkness creates drama and mystery.


I still think it's too dark and the mids should be brighter. Brightening doesn't destroy the effect you like. It also brings out the hair that drops downward toward the label, tieing it all together. There are some nice details hidden in the darkness. I don't see the purpose in hiding so many of them.

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I think this is an appealign photo, but more painterly quality rather than fashion shoot quality. Also the chin can be darkened a bit more so her jaw doesn't look too large, ideal have lowered the chin slightly during capture.


My monitor is calibrated and I see the background being distracting. It is fighting with her face that is coming into the light.

So the major issues is the dynamic range that I see it in. it looks very shallow. But it might be due to converting for web post.


I like the model, and the look is a bit nutral or cold as some mention with respect to the color influence, but I like her, and her look, and I love the P-kok feathers, due to the style it is , looks more a fantasy cover than any ad quality image.


Other than that, a minor detail, reducing the light on her blondish hair above might focus attention on her eyes, which I dont see any major issues with.

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