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© This image may not be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the photographer

Stream Scum


f14 1/60 ISO 200


© This image may not be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the photographer

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Yes, I had to wait 20 minutes for this picture to be opened. This extraordinary picture! I knew it was that only by the look on the thumbnail!


Robert, will you come to my place to see some other kind of abstracts, engaged ones. I live in a s... of a country and can't pay much attention to landscapes and pure beauty, although I know what beauty is about! My pictures are bitter, mysterious, critical...everything but beautiful, ha! Such is the place, ugly and stupid as can be! Just click on me if this "novel" made you interested!


Cheers to that!

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This is the most amazing looking pond scum... I ever saw.... wow... this is reallypretty... what an excellent image... it looks like it could be a book cover for some subject... very nice!
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Very interesting and beautiful texture, unbelievable that scam can look so nice ;-)). The whole is a very unusual abstract.
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