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© olivier coret

an iraki man cries. His home has just been destroyed by an american missile



© olivier coret

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A victim who is not included in the "official" statistics because he isn't dead or wounded - he's "only" lost his meager material possessions.


I am curious how you came to be there and how long after the missile strike this image was taken?

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Rather than a photographer, u prooved yourself as a human being, which is probably the most important thing of our life. i salute your dedication.
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Coret: How do we know that this is really true? For a man whose home has just been blown up, he looks quite clean and orderly. The debris in the background is nice and settled. I hope I'm wrong and will eat my words with an apology, but it this really what's shown here? And why would the Americans target his house?
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He is an innocent by-stander.


Have a look at the photos on his web site. The lighting and compositions are all by the same eye.


How settled can debris be? Its a bloody mess! His home and probably family are destroyed and this is what he has come home to after hearing of the hit to his neighborhood.


Yes, I have seen some fake photos..in particular the 'too much smoke' one. Others with military people returning home with great cheers and jubilation. Only none of the military people had any markings or insignia on their uniforms.


This is an authenitic shot. I will eat my shorts if it is not.

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Just LOVE John Falkestine's comment.


Of COURSE, HOW do we know this is really true? How do we know this guy didn't just walk over to a house, sit down, raise his hands to the heavens and just PRETEND to be bothered? How do we even know he is Iraqi and not Yemeni or Jordanian or Kuwaiti? After all, ALL Arabs are the same, no? Heck, HOW do we know Miguel Lasa did not photoshop those fishes into the mouths of those ospreys? How do we KNOW all those sunsets are not photoshopped? The truth, of course, is WE DON'T. Happy, John? Good.

But, the truth, of course, one that even John will agree with is that disparaging an image like this--authentic or not, motivated by bias, or not, does not make the ugly reality that is human behavior go away. We KNOW that the US trumped up LIES, and on that basis invaded a sovereign country. We KNOW they killed and maimed over a million HUMAN BEINGS. You want dirty pictures, John? Here.


Does that make your day? Good.

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