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Young Eagle Owl. During a day in the ZOO of Rotterdam (Blijdorp), I saw this youngster at feeding time. It was quite shy when moving in on the food.

arthur sevestre

This is the third time that I post this image. The first few times I wasn't really satisfied with it. Like Marc H. pointed out, there was a disturbing dead branch in the foreground and the trunk the bird perches on had large completely washed-out areas. And last, but not least, the chick itself was in the shadow, while the green leafs were in the sunlight. These three things together were very disturbing in the picture and with the last comments of Marc, I decided to spend another few hours trying to improve it, and here's the result.The dead branch I got rid of by filling in the missing parts of the green leafs and living twigs that were behind it. That, though it costed about 4 hours of work, came out just fine. Then I wanted to work on the washed-out areas on the trunk and that was quite a bit more difficult. First I used the rubber stamp tool to fill the white areas in with the very small pattern of detailed wood I had in the picture. To make it look more natural, I used the burn tool to make dark lines in it and the dodge tool to make lighter lines, all this in order to give a feeling of depth to the pattern. Having that done, I played with levels, selective colour, contrast, and (selective) saturation for a long time, to make the owl stand out more and subdue the leafs a bit. All this has cost me three full evenings, but I'm quite happy with it now. I will include a picture of the second posting I did, so a comparison can be made. Questions about all this? Mail me!

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I did a lot of Photoshopping on this image (explanation included) and

I'm very very curious to know what you think of the results of

the "manipulations". Ratings and comments most welcome!!!!

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Arthur: stunning result, I remember this picture and there is now more details to be seen.

I see you have spent quite time on it....I would have such patience..Jean

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Looks great Arthur, your time spent has increased the overall look to this photo, all i did was to take out the dead branch, but you have taken it further and better than i ever could, well done my friend, Marc
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nice workover, Arthur. But with that much time spent ,personally I would have just finished the contour of the owl over the 'dead wood' with a mixed blend of dark browns/beige/blacks.??
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realy Aurthur...the first thought when I look at this picture was....WHO ARE YOU??.....as the owl is asking.....again a great Aurthur shot
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