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Taken just after sunrise, looking East (into the Sun). My wife's favorite.


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There are a lot of problems that I see in this photo, but I am

curious what others would notice, like and dislike. What do you

like, what do you dislike, what advice would you give me if I could

repeat shooting this?

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Since you started off by mentioning problems, I guess the big one is that the horizon is tilted. The flared sun I don't see as such a problem. But why concentrate on the failings? It has a lot of impact.
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I like this shot, this is the type of shot you get as a reward for getting out of bed early and making an effort. Problems what problems?.
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This is a very peaceful and soothing image. The colors, and warm feeling are quite nice and appropriate. I can't say whether the horizon is tilted, since the tree seems to be straight up. Is that a hill, or is something else going on?


Good shot. very calm. If there was one thing you could change, it would be the sun. Tell it to rise behind you tomorrow and try it then. That's really the only thing that I don't like, but it is a big thing since it's soo bright.

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Lemme start off by saying that I am pretty new to photography... but, I know what is visually pleasing to me, and this is certainly a beautiful scene.


The tilt of the horizon is a little distracting to me. It sort of throws me off balance a tinge.


The sun doesn't bother me at all, even though it is quite bright. It adds an ethereal element for me. Perhaps try to move it off to one side a bit (if you were to re-shoot).


I would also like to see how this would look in B&W (but that maybe my own personal bias)... may have to pull it into photoshop to look at it.

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I hate tilted horizon as well and let me assure you that this picture does not have one. If you think otherwise, download it and try to "straighten" it. See what you get. It is the peculiar perspective and the lack of obvious horizon that throws the viewer off. Pilots get confused in clouds as well.


But I do appreciate all of your comments. Even the comments about the horizon gave me a lot to think about.



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From a very underviewed and underrated folder, I'd have to agree with your wife. I looked at the horizon and saw vertical trees: of course it's level! Lovely image; fine folder.
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