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The weather in Scotland can often be very disappointing, but

sometimes it creates a remarkable combination of sun-light and

clouds texture. I was really amazed to see such a beautiful

spectacle that day.


Taken from Dunure beach in South Ayrshire. The ruins you can see is

Dunure Castle.


!!! Please see the larger version !!!


Your comments/critiques very appreciated.

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Very, very nice shot.


I love the range of rich colours and your composition is spot on, foreground interest with leading lines that lead to both the castle and the very nice clouds


Wish I was there.



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Oh very well done Piotr. I was there the other day, not such interesting light unfortunately but you certainly got a cracking shot on a cracking day. More disturbing still is that you seem to have been sniffing around the exact same rock and exact same viewpoint as me.
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Makes me think of the Scottish play. I agree with you about the light in Scotland. Trouble with the midges around the gloamin. Beautifully detailed shot.

Regards Ken.

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Right place at the right time and you nailed the shot perfectly. You don't see too many shots of Scotland in this kind of light. Congratulations.
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Bee yoo tee ful! Champion shot! This would look terrific on my wall, 48 x 60 inches, even bigger, but that's all the wall will bear. As for the lighting, it's not bad, but it could be better, and would make its impact above my couch all the more impressive. If there were a grand photoshop that could move clouds about and such, I would have a stronger light falling on the castle, and a less powerful light falling on the foreground rock which, in my opinion, is too bright. This bright foreground doesn't ruin the picture, but it moves in that direction.


anyhow, brilliant color, composition and mood.

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The inclusion of the foreground makes this shot and separates it from many that would have emphasized the mountain. Great work!
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Wow. A beautifully captured image with terrific exposure and dynamic range. I might be tempted to do a little cropping (as so many of us seem to like to do) to reduce the emphasis of the big rock in the foreground. To me, this is too centered and draws attention away from the fantastic interplay going on in the background with the sky, sea and land. I've included a suggested crop to offset that rock a little and reduce its prominence.
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Wow is right! I love (LOVE) Piotr's Scottish landscapes. Have you seen the rest of them?


I can understand why one would want to crop the foreground a little. But I really like it the way it is. Either way, it's a gorgeous image. The colors are spectacular, and the depth, balance, detail are all spot on!



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Beautiful capture. You have captured the light very well. It is strong compositionally. It was also very exciting to see even the shadow areas were revealing details and texture.


Somone provided crop. I think in that crop the section with beautiful light is missing.




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> I think in that crop the section with beautiful light is missing.


I would agree with that. I could also see this as a beautiful panoramic with a crop of just the bottom (amount the same is in my prior crop). That would reduce the rock in the foreground and still leave that nice light in the right hand side that I cropped away before.

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First, I love the comp and range of tones. Well done.


However, It looks there was some obvious 'tweaking' done to the clouds, and this has always bugged me with landscape photgraphs. If you must burn in the horizon to increase detail, at least do so in a way that looks natural.


For instance, the clouds in the upper right corner of the image are brighter than the upper left where the sunlight is actually coming from. Last I checked Earth had one sun :-)

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Love the photo. One of the best rocks and water shots I've seen.


One tiny thing I see is that the puddles in the bottom right seem brighter than most of the water and sky. The water in the middle of the frame also is brighter than the water on the left and the sky. These things do not affect my enjoyment of the photo.

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Scott, yeah agreed. Also if this was using a grad ND the castle looks way too bright. Can't really make out what angle you used the filter at but it seems to have affected the whole sky but not much of the castle.


Could you possible give us an idea of what post processing was done?

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That is so beautiful. I like the saturation...always wonder just how that's done (since I only

work with film). What a gorgeous place. Wouldn't I love a vacation there?! Thanks for

sharing it.

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No question about it, this is a photo with a beautifully mastered composition and a colour range that call for our admiration.


But when this is said, why call our attention to the rock in the foreground. As photographers we can all highlight the fact that the foreground is a sharp as the castle ruin, but in esthetical terms the rock is far from being worthwhile the attention. It breaks, in my view the colour tones and the textures of the rest of the scene. I think this is certainly not among the best of Piotr�s collection of landscape scenes from the highlands of Scotland.

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