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© This image is property of Nick Karagiaouroglou. No use of it is allowed without explicite permission. - Kontakt: karagiaouroglou@bluewin.ch


Triple exposition


© This image is property of Nick Karagiaouroglou. No use of it is allowed without explicite permission. - Kontakt: karagiaouroglou@bluewin.ch
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Nick, this, to me, looks like a beautiful kaleidoscope. It somehow captures the essense, the bit of the late night street, although there are no crowds to be seen. I don't know how you came up with this effect (mirror maybe?), but it is effective and visually stimulating. You sure live in some of the better looking locals. Take care. Eddie
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Thank you again for the great comment. This is a triple exposition. I exposed the same film frame three times and had to correct light exposure -3/2 steps, in order to not overexpose that frame.


This was in the middle of the city in Zurich - of course you see there only gold and jewels and great luxury but not an ounce of intelligence and thought. For me it doesn't belong to the better looking locals since there is nothing more that luxury there. (That's why I try to enhance their emptiness of meaning and uglyness on my photos ;-))


I still prefer, say, some small bar in Barcelona, where I can participate in the most exciting discussions, than these mindless monuments of money in Zurich, where I only can only hear about economy - or perhaps some rich banker pretending to know what a good wine is (that one that costs most ;-))


Many many thanks and keep well!





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Nick, More you talk, more I am convinced that I am hearing from a person who's seen the core and stays there as often and as long as possible. The inner core is purifying and no falsity can stand in its way. It laughs at facades of all kind as mere blindness... Not to come across as flaunting, but many people, often say to me "you know how to live". Now I get to say this to someone else: "Nick you know how to live." That is it. Enjoy every moment for that too will pass... Thanks and talk to you later, Eddie
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Thank you so much for your great answer.


The same I wish you, dear friend. Live and enjoy each and every moment. So little is needed to do that - only that core that you already talked about, the rest being simply balast that can be thrown away.







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Wow! This is an extremely captivating picture. Cutting edge art! I love the colors and the confusing composition. From reading the comments it seems like it really drives home a point "Pretty and senseless- lifestyle of the rich and mindless".
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Thanks a lot for your lovely comment. Yes, exactly this is the point, my friend, and I am glad that the photo transmits it to you.


Many thanks again and best regards,



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