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© Levity Snaps Photography

...you turn the screw...


© Levity Snaps Photography

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Is that a constructive question? Do you mean this in a holistic sense, are you searching for the deeper meanings in life...because I can't give you all the answers. You have to look deep inside yourself.

If indeed you are asking what is the point of ...'you turn the screws' I have already answered it for you. But for the kids at home: There are 'mechanations' within us all that we need to wind up, whether it's self ego or a lack of 'sticktoitiveness'. Other times we need others to turn our screws, after all we are a social creature which is why we have society and don't beat each other sticks and rocks and so on....instead we ask each other 'what's the point?'

Thank you! You've turned my screw....I hope I can return the favour one day.

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The point is to take the screw out of your a$$! Chill out already. If you're going to critique someones work a) make sure youre not just injecting your random, personal, negative opinions and tell/show them how they can improve the shot; b) make sure youve got at least SOME good shots in your portfolio so as not to have someone look at it as a whole and ask "What's the point?".


In conclusion, loose the chip on your shoulder and criticize constructively please.


Thanks much.

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Ouch, that looks painful. Another interesting shot, and you've definately got the crowds talking. Keep up the good work.
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Looks uncannily like an eye having something driven deep into it. I like the mood infused through the edge burning.
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disturbing in a good way. Reminds me of "Un Chien Andalou".

It could also be an irony for some persons ( on this site for example :) ), who could use some lessons about ... "seeing"

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Personally I think it is a great photo. Full of forboding and terror and unfulfilled sadistic desires and darkness and..... Oh, you get the idea. Good concept and execution. Keep on tweaking 'em I say.
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