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15 Minutes before sunrise


6 second exposure in pre-dawn light

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Well, despite Bob's explanation that The "cloudy" substance is the waves on the rocks below with a 6 second exposure, it still looks like an incredibly dramatic sky to me. I find it difficult to get the idea that we're looking down, not straight or up. Definitely worth a second look!
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Good painting. First I looked up thinking of a rock. Then I realized,after reading your anster to one the comment what it is.Very beautiful colors and textures. The orginality is just caused by the view you have choosen and not least

I like the shit on the rocks

best robertO (7/7)

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:)))) beautiful photo of birdsh*t. No really, i like it, it's just so illusion-killer that you mention, what actually the white stuff is:)
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A fabulous atmosphere created by the dark sky and saturated colours. It could easily pass for a shot from some strange and distant planet. I already commented previously so I will leave it there for now. Congratulations Bob.
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I'm sorry, (I know that's always a bad start to a critique), but for me this image can't rise beyond it's subject, which is essentially bird sh*t on a brown rock. I see none of the stunning colors or great atmosphere mentioned above, in fact to me the lighting looks somewhat flat or at the very least even, but hardly dramatic. Yes I can see the visual trick of perspective (not knowing if Im looking at sky or water), but beyond that there is nothing here that interests me.

Now before I get taken to task for my negative comments I will at least say that I have looked through each of Bob's folders and found some very exceptional images, competently executed, with great color and interesting subjects and it's this work that deserves more of our attention.


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Truly amazing concept, wonderful execution. This not only plays tricks on the eye, it keeps me coming back looking for more. Once I get my perspective aligned properly, it is easy to see this optical illusion. You have produced one of the rarest photos on photo.net: an image that is devoid of manipulation (ala PS) and at the same time you have provided a myriad of aesthetic responses as the neurons fire off and they tell me, "it's a sky! no... it's the sea!... it is murky... the streaks of white on the rocks give it almost a chocolate sundae-melting away effect..." You truly deserve this honor!


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Hey! Nice camera! LOL


I'm glad to see other people taking great images with the DC4800...unless you're going to burst my bubble and tell me the information is incorrect...lol!



This image reminds me not of a sundae (I wouldn't want to eat the "white paint" for anything...eeeugh) but I think of the actual visual image behind an orchestral piece like Ride of the Valkyries. (I think it's spelled correctly...)



I could imagine a man with a deep booming voice out of a 60's movie shouting down at earth while thunder crashed, even if *you* were the one higher up than the image :)



How did you get such a great exposure in 6 seconds without the infamous noise of the DC4800? Did you use a tripod?



Cool image!

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Very nice abstract photo - would look great at a large size print. Worth getting up early for. For all you bird droppings fans - there's a great movie if you can find it on video called "Brewster McCloud".




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At first I thought I was looking at a picture of a mountain with a very unusual sky. Then (thanks to bob's message actually) I understood what it really was, and I'm truly amazed. Not at the beauty of this picture (it's bird sh*t after all), nor at the colors (With photoshop now people can create very strange looking pictures without much effort, although if this wasn't enhanced in Photoshop of course my opinion will be different), but at the ability that this picture has to leave one wandering what the hell it represents. Because even with Bob's hint I still can't find any sense of reality to his picture. In that respect I think this is a very neat picture, extremely original and intellectually challenging.

originality 7

aesthetics 5

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I'm impressed by how you created such a dramatic, abstract image from such common elements. And, I like a guy who can make birdwash look like art!


I was surprised to learn that this is looking down onto water. I would have never guessed that in a million years. Awesome - way to get creative and do something different!

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On my opinion this picture aestetically as good as many of images in Bob's portfolio are plus definitely highly original. Who cares about birds droppings? What if Bob wouldn't tell us about the 'source' of that white? I agree with Jeff, one of rare images on PN plus done without heavy photoshopping. Mostly angle and exposure. Beautiful abstract. It's pleasant to see it as POW.
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I hate to be the Simon Cowell of the group, but he might say something like this: "This photo is simply dreadful. I can't imagine what it is." I might say: "I don't get it." Nothing jumps out at me. It doesn't evoke a feeling.
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Congrats....Looks to me like white sugar frosting drizzled on lumpy chocolate cake....Cool :-)
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Guest Guest


THIS....is proof.....that even bird$#!+ can can become art.
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I love that I could be looking at either the ocean or the sky. Can't decide which I like best and I don't care. A great and imaginative shot.



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Guano or waterfalls, sea or sky, doesn't matter. This is a great shot. Great eye to look at this and see more than crap on a rock -- ir certainly had me fooled at first glance, although I suspected that it was guano on closer inspection. At any rate, bang-up job and deserving of POW.
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Fantasy and illusion has long been entertainment and some could argue art. Certainly Dali was able to create a world that was clearly disengaged from what people were comfortable accepting as a believable real place. I was 9 when I saw "Star Wars" and I still remember the feeling of suspension of disbelief for those two hours. Maybe I have seen too many movies since then or maybe I have seen to many pictures of green fields that are greener than I have ever seen. I now view color photographs and color images on the Internet as constructions not unlike those Dali paintings. I have a tremendously hard time suspending my disbelief. When I see an image that appears surreal or has an intriguing color palette I see someone sitting at a keyboard holding a mouse. Intellectually I know that this is discriminatory and unfair to the artist, but this is what I see no matter how beautiful or exciting the image. Maybe that is more than a small reason why black and white images still capture so many people in a way that color images do not.
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Your point is well taken. I would love to be able to see an original

transparency of this time and place. Of course filters and exposure

could stretch believability as well. .

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Stunning colors, dramatic lighting, similar compositional themes, look here. A better treatment of the subject by all accounts in my opinion.
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unfortunately for me, the question "what am i looking at?" completely detracts from

the image. There really aren't any clues for scale. The splotchy background sits flatly

behind the streaked rocks. Oh wait, is that water?


frame crtitique: its too heavy, too big. i'd rather see more photo.

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Strange, i dont know excactly what i am looking at, but i like it.

The frames are a bit overbearing tho.

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when i first looked at it i thought, a photograph?..looks more like a painting, but i prefer it knowing it`s a photograph. Also like the facy its the sea rather than what i initially thought(the sky). would like to see it before it was manipulated to see how different it is. I may be old fashioned but i think you can`t beat capturing a raw beauty on film without having to touch it afterwards
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Technical aspects of how the shot was taekn are certainly interesting, but as an overall piece of photography it leaves me thinking it as cover art for a moderately sucessful sci-fi book.
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