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© foo flaw

Think Spring



© foo flaw

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Liked the composition of this picture and it made me think that

spring is almost here. I appreciate any feedback you have and as

always thank you for stopping to take a look.





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This is nice, but it is picking up an overall green caste from the surrounding vegitation. I would selectively mask and color balance the flower & butterfly, then the background vegetation to bring out the different colors of the elements. I also masked and dealt with soem hot highlights, and filtered the whole image for noise, then used unsharp mask to bring in edge sharpness. What do you think?



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Spencer: you did a nice job correcting the flaws in this otherwise interesting capture. Taking the time to help a fellow pn'er is what makes this site great.
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Was trying to reply to your critique and couldn't figure it out. I wanted to say that I liked the mods you made to the picture but I thought the yellow was a bit strong - I guess I need to pick up photoshop because I am somewhat limited in the tools I have - I have just started working with Raw Shooter from Pixmantec, will try your suggestions in there if I can.


Just wanted to say thanks and maybe I should send you some of my raw images for you to tune up for me :)





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I have photoshop LE which came with my Canon D60 (I think the LE stands for 'Lame Edition', but in actuality, I guess I can't expect it to be like the full version since they are basically giving it away). I'm glad the edit was of some use. I was afraid I might have offended you. I communicate better visually than verbally, so I do suggested mods a lot - I also just enjoy the challenge of trying to make an idea a reality. If I can help with anything, let me know and I'll try.



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