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The Garden Of St. Francis

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I just had a look at your portfolio to see the previous shot mentioned here - and quite an impressing portfolio it is. Lots of great shots there...


However, in this case I think you've made a big mistake. The background here is to "noisy" and in my opinion it takes too much attention from your main subject. I like the other St. Francis picture a lot better. In particular I think the red flosers "clash" with the cardinal's red here...

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Thank you Stefan for the excellent critique. I'm sure you're reasons are why this is the lowest rated bird pic in my portfolio. However, it's still one of my favorites. Maybe it's because I've taken so many shots of birds from this spot and have seen nothing but grass, and the flowers give the feel of livening it up to me. I suppose that's why sometimes we need a good subjective critique from an outsider. Rex, I'm glad you think so but it's not.
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