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"A Horse of a Different Color"

susan stone

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Not often I use B&W with an image but the elements in this

composition seemed suitable for that medium, what think you? Gracias.

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Nice composition. And i like the b/w aspect to it. As much as the moon is a great subject to capture in photographs, i feel that its a bit too far to make any kind of impact to the image. IMO it actually looks like a dust particle or something on your lens. But i really like the angle youve chosen for the shot. Well done.
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Thanks for the insightful comment about the moon, leave it in or delete it?! I think I left it 'cause I knew what it was, I did remove a couple sensor spots but decided to leave the moon as a minor design element, wish it had been bigger. Gracias.
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i agree about the moon. it is too small. probably best to take it out. still very interesting image. made me stop and look!
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Very nice image. I like the moon and if was much bigger we might have bigger things to worry about (like it colliding with us). Good to see you are still making images!




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Skulls and shadows on old wood! Three of my favorite items to photograph, so I can ignore the small moon. I would have cropped it out and shown less sky. This if very nice and grayscale was a good choice.
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The moon stays, I just can't bring myself to delete it and I don't know how to make it bigger in PS. Shawn, I cropped out quite a bit of the sky to balance the composition more, it was about equal amounts sky and boards. Everyone's comments are always much appreciated and very helpful, I find it interesting how we all view the world through this wonderful medium called photography.
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I could look at this from the eyes of an indian, which evokes many feelings. Or I could use the eyes of a too busy white guy that only sees reality and nothing deeper. I could tell when I saw it that I wanted an indian's perspective. I can't put my finger on everything the image produces for me but I like it. Maybe I'll make a white man's list, boil it down and get to the bottom of what I want this photo to say to me. I suppose peyote would get the task done faster. Guess it's a list for me. Nice capture, cowgirl.


Enjoyed your bio pic. Hope you're havin' a good calvin' season.


Regards, ~Sky ***

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Guest Guest


Peyote, huh? Hmmmm... Susan, I love this one! It's too tall for my screen, but when I look at the smaller one on this "add a comment" page, I like the composition very much, complete with moon and sky. I can see this large on a wall in a southwest style home with indian rugs and adobe. Wonderful!
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Thanks for stopping by you two, no Peyote, just me trying to photograph a close up of the skull and one of the saddle horses got curious and came to help and there was his shadow on the boards below the skull and I knew a photo op was in the offering. Good medicine, them cayuses........
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Kim, does this work for you? (see attached image) I did not have any Indian rugs.

Susan, I hope you don't mind me usurping your image to hang on the wall of my hacienda?

"No peyote was harmed in the creation of this image!" (see attachment)

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What a firestorm... dag-nabit... I said I'd stick to a list! Sorry for bein' politically incorrect... I only know what the stuff causes.


I don't plan to take any short cuts on figurin' out my feelin's on this photo. Good Grief! Your right Kim, it's a good photo and thanks for postin' it Susan.


Beg your forgiveness's, please and rest assured, "not into peyote!"


Sorry for the disturbance. (grinnin' ...but only a little bit)


***Will edit or delete upon request.


Sincerely, ~Sky


P.S. That is correct; Minnie Pearl would say it that way.

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Guest Guest


Calm down, Sky...I didn't really think you were running out to get some peyote...I figured you'd stick to those two beers :~)


Shawn, it works! I have the indian rugs, but no adobe walls. Seriously, Susan could sell this one, I bet.

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Hey everybody go look at what Shawn did with this image, it's on an "adobe wall" just like Kim suggested and it looks wonderful! I'm famous! Hee Hee. He even added a wonderful adobe tone to it.
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Unusual set up Susan, I like the way you have composed it, and b/w conversion is the right decision taken.
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Done calving and have moved home and driving out to the ranch to work, but soon to hit the road with my Sis to head South to Utah for vacation, hopefully to return with lots of new images. I appreciate everyone's stopping by to see my meager postings, I just haven't spent much time here on PN and I miss my "friends".........gracias.
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After seeing the famous version hanging on the wall, I have to say that I Like it A Lot!

Enjoy what you do.......


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It was one of those lucky shots, I was actually trying to take a close up of the skull and one of the saddle horses came up behind me to watch and I snapped a shot of his shadow on the fence.
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It's a super image. The unfortunate thing is that with Photoshop (which I dearly love) one can put together this image. But man oh man, isn't it sweet when serendipity just drops it on us complete in one fell swoop? Just add my bravo to all the others. Really nice image.
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You might be able to compose these elements in PS but it's way beyond my editing capabilities to do so, I'm barely beyond the quick fix sliders! Most of my moderately successful images are usually "luck". I appreciate your taking the time to come and look over my "horse".
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B&W just hasn't been my genre until lately, I love color so much and seldom really see a composition in B&W, but with encouragement from folks like you I'll try some more. Much appreciated.
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