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Nude and Erotic

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This is one of the most original nude compositions in Photonet. I believe we could all do with more of these unique fine-art nudes and less of those boring "glamour nude in high heels" type photos.
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Appreciate the comment. This photo sure as hell hasn't sparked much interest on the part of photonetters.
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No interest sparked because it doesn't look sexy. It has more of a wife sex-appeal than that of a lover sex-appeal. How many poeple do you know who admitelly say they love their signifficat other's body?


When I said it doesn't look sexy I meant just that. Because it sure is. Congrats on your ideea and execution.

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i really think your title describes the idea of this shot better than the image. by which i mean, if she were actually lying on the bedspring rather than standing behind it, and the camera is really looking up at her. the background could then be a ceiling with maybe an out-of-focus fan or light fixture to give depth. this might involve an elaborate setup, but your idea is so original(6) that it may deserve the effort.


-john d.

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Hi David, a nice photo, my comments are only small, firstly I would have moved the models head slightly to be able to see the whole face, and I would like to see it in a contrasty black and white with maybe some flash from the side to highlight the wire ! After saying that I still have to tell you I like it a lot !!
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Thank you gentlemen for your comments. They are truly apprecitated. John, your concept is intriquing. For her to lay on those springs might be a bit problematic. Then, of course, you would have to get far enough removed from the springs from the underside to be able to take the picture. I do agree that it would be better done that way.
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Ditto to John Demshock's comments- just what I was thinking. Actually, the problem isn't the photo, it's the caption, which just doesn't match the photo- and solution for that is just to leave it uncaptioned or call it "wife and bedsprings" or something like that. I also noticed that the top of the springs is facing the camera, so she's under the bed.


The overall idea is a good one, and the shot works pretty well. I don't know if it would help, but a single point light would put shadows of all those springs on the wall (and the Nude), and that might be of visual interest.

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Another good comment. To be honest, I didn't know which way bedsprings go. All of them I've seen were covered. You guys have made me want to go back and redo this, but it was done in an abandoned hotel with a model, and I no longer have access to the old hotel. (Although John's set up could be done about anywhere I guess). Thanks for the great thoughts. I don't think I've ever had so many useful commentaries on a submission.
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I also like it. MY take; the title does not fit in that she apears to be standing againt the wall holding the springs up, (2)the floor and the cloth lower right make it untidy. though I do not like to see body parts cut , it would help in this shot, (3)Do not skip a shot. If you wonder which would be better take several types of simular shots while there. As you commented you can not go back. Sometimes, those I didn't like at first are now favorites. (4)Flip things around, if you would now the springs are like megaphones from her soul flip and you have cones over her, fun stuff
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Creative concept David. There is something very appealing about the 1- Old box springs which we are all familiar but don't see very often and in itself is an interesting subject matter to explore. 2- The juxtaposition of the nude and the box springs creates an even more interesting image. I like how the springs conceal parts/areas (in this case the mouth) maybe another would be eyes, etc. I could see you doing a series here. I would love to see a more linear approach where the box springs are more exact on a horizontal and vertical plane. This is wonderfully creative.
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Very interesting and original photo, which triggers all sorts of ideas for future pics. The soft lighting gives a natural look but you could create a bit more impact with a higher contrast print (though I'm not sure this would be better).


Best wishes, Jonathan

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I view most of my photos as learning experiments, and this is one I could have done a whole lot better on. But that was then and this is now, so I'll just have to settle. Appreciate your looking and taking the time to comment.
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clever shot! the bed frame must fit 4:3 and 3:2 photoframes well! springs give great tapestry...I would just like it b/w...but it's just now. Later I will want this sepia...and later I'll maybe like this pinkish too as well. About the nude part it gives a "scenario". It could be the cover of a book. But I cant get in the nude water of photo yet so to rate this...but if I will I'll do it for the idea behind it. So...7 for originality for sure, and 5 for aesthetics I guess. :-)
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Thanks. Your comments are much appreciated. As I stated before, I would propbably do this quite differently if I were doing it today.
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Thank you very much. I would very much like the opportunity to re-shoot this. I think it clearly could have been better. I was rushed and did not think things our carefully, nor spend enough time with looking through the viewfinder.
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Pure spitefulness from a small minded self important photographer, or genuine interest in helping a student of photography. I'll leave it at that. Good day sir.
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I happened to notice this picture when it came up on the sidebar thumbnails and, not remembering it, clicked through to see the picture. It really is an arresting image and one that is a total surprise coming from you, although the title doesn't really work for the reasons that have already been pointed out. But what is even more interesting is the number and level of the comments. a very wide-ranging and interesting discussion that touches on the technical aspects as well as the conception of the photograph. That sort of response is very rare nowadays; people just don't seem to be that involved. There are a few who put some thought into their words but most dash off a perfunctory "nice picture" or "lovely work" and leave it at that. I sense you are as disappointed as I am at the slow disintegration of this photo community..
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Yes, it's not what it used to be. Hell, on this one I even got into a pissing match with a self-important stuffed shirt. Not even hardly any of those around any more.

I also post to Flickr, and it is even worse for meaningful comments. I have some 20,000 views, and I don't know how many comments, but I'd be surprised if there was a one that actually made an effort to be critical, or discuss the implications of the meanings of any of them. I guess an "attaboy" is better than dead silence.

We shall have to make the best of what we have for as long as we can. There are still a few folks here I enjoy immensely. 

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