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The candle was the only source of light.

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I love the warmth and the lighting of this picture. I do, however, find myself wishing that the shadow of her nose wasn't so dominant. Perhaps moving the candle would have ruined the effect.


Composition-wise, I might have kept the glass holding the candle clear of her hand. Otherwise, this is a lovely photo.

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Well for just playing around you got a good shot! I do have to say that the shadow is a distaction and maybe even the glass. I would also say I love the lighting and the look that the model has. Very nice eyes and expresion. Keep playing and let us see somemore!
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Just looked at you candels folder. You have some real nice photos in it. Looks to me like your doing more then playing with photography. Keep it up.
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In my opinion the candle is unecessary and distracting from the model, you obviously used side lighting from the right, the only other problem I see is the nose shadow, it could have been softened a little by using a small amount of front lighting, very interesting technique.
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Two candles on the right, one candle on the left. Or one candle on the right and a mirror at 45 degrees on the left. A blue cooling filter would help to balance light temperature. I think candle in the picture enhances the mood.



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