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House With the Trees II



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In my previous picture 'House with the Trees' I've added a kind of a

phantom tree in the backgroud. I thought it would give the picture

more impact then this version has. I'm interested in your opinion.

Does it looks better with or without that tree?


I'll appreciate your opinion very much. Thank you, Ada:~)

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The tree in the other pic is like a phantom. More naturalness needed in that tree. But in this photo the left corner is dramatically empty. Now I have a problem... or not. I prefer the naturalness of the dramatically empty.
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Thank you very much for your comment to this picture. I see that you were also in a doubt before you decided that this version is the best for you. I was and I still am in doubt about that left part. I added that phantom tree because I had the feel something was missing there; the feel that the picture wasn't in balance. But maybe a single bird would be enough to fill the empty space? However Paulo, I appreciate it very much that you took the time to compare the pictures and I really liked your comment. Ada:~)
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Hoi Ada, beide zijn zeker interessant. Ik vind zelf deze versie ook beter. De bovenkant kun je eventueel croppen of laten gebruiken voor een boektitel :). De mystieke sfeer in deze plaat is erg sterk en zal zich daarvoor goed lenen.

Mooi werk, groeten van Marco!

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Dear Ada, I looked at both versions. After looking at them several times I like this version. I guess you want to know why! Although the phantom tree is a good addition, the lack of it's reflection in the waters [very minor detail huh?] caught my eyes. You are so good in digital alterations and how did you miss that?




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Ik vind allebei de foto's even goed. Ook deze is erg mooi van kleur!

(Ada bedankt voor je leuke commentaar op mijn druppels; Groetjes Ellen.)

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Well, this looks more real, Ada, but since when did you care about realism? I like the mood of the other, even as it strains credulity.


Love your ever-changing bio shots, which come and go almost as often as Peta's.


Thank you for this beautiful picture, Ada.



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For sure vind ik deze veeeeeeeeeeeeel mooier. Prachtig Ada, heel dramatisch en prachtig van kleur,


groetjes en meer Els (en ik vind je nwe bio foto meer dan prachtig)

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I join Lanny Ada... I like the other one with the special unreal atmospher AND the tree....!
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Definetely I prefer this version without the ghosty tree dear Ada!




You could probably move the river line more to the right for a diagonal, in order to have less left empty space, but that is another photograph version :):)




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I'm a bit late and I'm sorry for that, but I like to thank you all for your kind comments and thoughts. The question which one of the two versions is the best isn't still answered. It's a matter of taste of course and I'm still in doubt which version I prefer. It's very kind of you that you took the time to compare the different versions and to give your opinion. I really appreciate that.


Warm greetings to all of you, Ada:~)


O and BTW Julius: didn't you knew that ghosts or phantoms are invisible in mirrors? Haha;~)




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I too prefer this image over the one with the ghostly tree. the red building add focus and visual impact to this stark naked inviroment.
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Ada, great treatment you gave to this shot as usual. Here I really like the mostly monotone look giving it a heavy and unusual mood. Comparing this with its sister with the tree in the background I think I prefer this one, because in the other the tree gets a bit too overwhelming for my taste. Here, the house, foreground trees and the unreal sky are better highlighted, and for me those are the strong points of the composition. Warm greetings, Alex
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I like to thank you all for the time you took to look and comment this pictures. I really appreciate your opinions and thoughts.


Best regards to all of you, Ada:~)

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Hi Wilson, nice to see you and thanks for your comment. I appreciate that!:) I only have a question about your remark 'lighter negative space around tree branches'. I have now idea what you mean by that. (It's my English which isn't still good, I'm sorry) But I hope you will explain to me what you mean because I really appreciate your opinion and I like to follow your advices. Greetz, Ada:~)
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Mooie bio foto heb je, maar eerst dit duistere object.. zo in tegenstelling tot je stralende lach op de bio :-)

Ik geloof dat ik deze meer waardeer omdat de aandacht blijft liggen waar deze moet blijven, namelijk bij het huis en het lijnwerk in deze foto. Het toevoegen van de fantoom boom zou vermoedelijk beter werken in een minder dynamisch geheel.


rest me nog om je te vertellen dat ik dit een erg mooie foto vind. (last but not least..)

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Yesss!!! Now I understand what you mean and Wilson with this you have put your finger on a real problem that I have with branches, with or without leaves. They really make me crazy. The whole problem is the selection. I've done so many attempts but I haven't find out the perfect an most effective manner to make an accurate selection of trees with branches and their little twigs against a sky in the background. But perhaps you can give me the golden hint how to fix it.


And Wilson I'm very grateful to you for the time you took to explain your earlier comment;) Greetz, Ada:~)



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