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Dance in the dark - Broken wings


Nikon d70s

From the category:

Nude and Erotic

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I like Your colorgrading here. The posing is also very special and the composition and cropping makes it a really good picture.

Kent Bovin

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The lighting IS beautiful, but art?



The emotion this image evokes for me is mainly "discomfort & anxiety" not one of "sexual seduction" of a "dirty dance". The pose looks uncomfortable along with the shoes, never mind the fact she has absolutely no clothing on (what's seductive about that? Nothing left to create any tension). The image seems more voyeuristic then seductive. It's a dark cave like environment with a spot light directly on her naked breasts & one arm. It looks more like she is making shadow puppets than trying to seduce the camera with any type of seductive (dirty) dancing.


Of course, this is just my opinion & I could be wrong :)

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Thank you for your interesing opinion. By the way, why do you think than naked body or pose should arouse only the sexual seduction and none other feelings??
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Novic- I was using your title "Dirty Dance" as a basis of my observations, plus the naked women.


I do not mean to offend, but rather understand what are you trying to convey to the viewer. If, for example, the title had been "Nymph" I might have interpreted the entire image differently

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... and despite of the above truth, there are still people in the PN claiming that the title is not important. The 'dirtiest' thoughts in my mind come from the relation inevitably established between the woman and the crack-like features on the wall and the floor. The cracks, by definition, 'open' and they continue to enlarge as the dance advances to a climax. Those features are too prominent to be ignored. But cracks also produce discomfort and anxiety. Sexuality and the feelings related to it are very complex. Some go as far as linking them to death. The Eros - Thanatos theme runs from ancient mythology to modern psychology and social anthropology undiminished. However, I just came out from the cinema where I saw S. Spielberg's film 'Munich'; it may all be his fault... The light is indeed beautiful and I also like the contrast between the rough surface of the plaster and the smooth female skin. By the way, thank you, Jayme, for your recent support.
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I agree. I also had just returned from a long visit to our nearest Art Museum, The Speed Museum at U of L. This may have influenced my interpretation.


I think titles are very, very important, especially to assist the viewer in understanding what the artist is trying to convey. I love to look, try to get the emotional response, & then look at the title. See if I'm close. If the title & the emotion match, yahoo, the artist has effectively expressed themselves, at least to me. In effect, I got it. Admittedly, sometimes I don't get it. Like this image, I think technically it's wonderful, it's saying something to me, but it's not "Dirty Dance". I guess Patrick Swayze influenced the meaning of "Dirty Dance" for me :)

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Thanks for your reply. In fact, there may also be a difference in interpretation and/or appreciation between men and women. (my wife very rarely agrees with me on portaits:-)). Recently, I have been in desperate discussions trying to support the common view: like all arts, photography is to a great extent subjective. It depends on the culture of the viewers and on time. Are there universally appreciated photographs? Perhaps; those that touch central neurons in our brain. Yet, I am not sure that 'certal neurons' exist. A photograph that fulfills all the academic and technical criteria will not necessarily impress/please everyone while a photograph with one or more irregularities is not necessarily rejected by everyone. I am glad that we can find examples, such as this, that merit discussion and viewers, such as you, who are capable of discussing.


I have noticed yet another source of variation. On my second computer screen, the photograph looks so dark that I wouldn't have noticed the cracks at all (which are, I believe, essential elements)


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In my opinion there isn't any connection with Patric Swazy moovie) Dirty dance for me is just the expression of something that differ from the usual perception. For example this pose of the girl. It's quite unusual for typical dance pose. It's difficult to me to express my feeling because English is not my native language) I'm Russian-speaker.



in my home and office monitors this photo is not so dark, but on another monitor is too dark. However, my home monitor is calibtated because I often print out my works. So the conclusion is thay you monitor and one of mine monitors are problem)



Let's concoct another version of the title for this photo and next one. It will be the series

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Novic- I just said "influenced", meaning that Patrick Swayze altered or influenced the way I think of a "dirty dance". I meant no disrespect. I said the photography was wonderful, I am just having a hard time understanding the relationship between the title & the photo. That's all.
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I cant explain it. There shouldn`t be THIS girl at here.

In one way, there may be another kind of girl - more smooth, or in better shape, physically... With THIS one all scene looks like a torture or screenshot from DOOM III, or something in this case.

In other way, main object may be some kind of plant, or sculpture, or something... something curved, but not alive.


Technically it`s OK, really well done, but I cant talk about any aesthetics at here.


Keywords for psychiatrist: discomfort, anxiety, uneasiness, laboured.

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It's exactly that I ment. Model cannot be discussed at all, I think. He previous photos you can see at my page, but the mood of image you explain in raight way. I've already sad that Dirty Dance for me regarding this photo means something discomfortable or broken. The second version of this photo is Broken Wing.

Thanks a lot

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