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golfer stuart


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Great photo, nice contrast, colors, composition,...

Just left also a comment on your picture called 'it is life'. Please read. Thanks - Maarten

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I like this photo a lot and have been studying it for some time. The sun in the photoshopped sky with its rays, really compliments the golfer, but the real sun is so obviously hanging high and right, that I think it might have been better with a similar sky without the sun. I also think removing the shadow of the club on his leg caused by your flash would help this image. Still a great shot though.
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I would agree with Scott on the issues of lighting and shadows and believe that it would improve the scene to those with a highly discriminating eye. Having said that though, I think it is a fantastic image that is VERY well done. So dynamic is this image that in my opinion, those issues of the light and sun behind the subject are mere nit picks. There are always very good images put on this site every single day from some wonderfully talented photographers, but it has been a little while since something has been posted on here that really knocked my socks off, and this one did just that. I really love this image and admire your efforts here.
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Your efforts here have paid off. If looked at from a merely technical standpoint the above comments may be true. But, this image wouldn't have the impact or speak so loudly if there weren't strange nuances to hold the viewer. The mere fact that you were told twice in this thread that you caught their attention is proof that this image makes an imact.


Beautiful work!

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