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© Please Don't Steal ; )

My Dog



© Please Don't Steal ; )

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Good detail in the black, but the white is a little blown out in the light. Black & white animals are very hard to shoot. You either end up with no detail in the black if the white is correctly exposed or no detail in the white if black is correctly exposed.
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I am a big big fan of golden light, all my dog photos were taken during golden light last winter. You might want to try taking photos of your buddy during that time of day....
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You people demean all the great art that is on photo.net by posting your silly dog and cat pet pictures. Keep them in your scrapbooks and try to post material that is artistic in nature.
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I'm surprised that David would say something like that when he has a lot of people "snapshots" in his folder. You always have a choice of viewing/rating/commenting on a photo or not. If you don't like dog/cat pictures, skip right by them. Some people don't like people snapshots, either. Maybe a comment suggesting something to make an animal shot a little more "artistic" might be more beneficial than blasting someone for posting a pet picture.
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