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- Purple Daydream -


handhold, mix of several pictures and manipulated in PS

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NOW I see where you've been these last days, Ada! Another remarkable example of your skills here - gorgeous, with an almost melancholy mood evoked by the purple tones and the pair of birds. The glowing castle and the bridge over the still water, violet trees and dreamy clouds - it's almost heartbreaking, dearest! Congratulations on a very moving image...
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Ada, a very good composition. Not creepy but a bit psychodelic. Did you copy the birds in the shot?


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That's a real morning surprise to read your wonderful comment. Thank you so much for your appreciation, my dear Lee. Your words makes me feel so good. I've worked on it for a couple of days indeed and then it's great to get such a fantastic comment. Warm greetings, Ada:~)





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Great to see you again after such a long time.


Yes Edgar, I have chosen for this place as my homebase to hatch up my (evil) plans and do my magic tricks. I've conjured the vicious herons out of my hat which is a piece of cake for a witch like I am *!~


Serious now: In fact this composition excists out of 4 pictures and I copied the birds. I'm glad you like it! Many greetings Edgar, Ada:-)



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An attempt to create a light-footed fairy-tale composition.


I appreciate your constructive comments,



Thank you, Ada:~)

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Great great lovely shot. Specially the tone and the soft light effect. Flying birds and the poetic (may call dramatic also) mood, I love it. Just great thinking.
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Thank you Kaushik and Manuel for your kind words. I agree with you Kaushik that this scene also radiates a dramatic mood and I like it that you've mentioned it. Best Regards, Ada:~)



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Splendid composition, very nice mood & tone, best balance between dark & bright, dynamic & static, and excellent perspective, lovely done Ada!!! Congr.
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Wow, your PS skills are real good Ada.

The addition of these birds is great!

I like the un-useual colours in this misterious image very much!

I can only dream about having such photographs, But you makes them!

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Really gorgeous Ada! It's splendid and I agree your PS is just super...a beautiful fairytale scene indeed! Hugs.
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In just one word: perfect! I cannot see any way how this could get any better. Love the purple tone, the quiet mood not affected by the smooth flight of the birds... I'm very happy to see that your PS skills are getting so advanced, allowing you to put so well in an image your wonderful and poetical visions of beauty, for our delight =) Warm greetings to you Ada.
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Definitly convincing and dreamy, Ada. The position of the two birds leads the eye from foregrounf to the purple sky in the foreground. There is a veiled melancholy and yet serenity, too. Excellent work.




so sorry I can't use 7

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Hoi oma ,


Hier even een kritiekje van mij alleen !! Heel mooi en eigenlijk ook wel spannend kasteel , maar " altijd " ben ik nieuwsgierig hoe het er binnen uit ziet , net zoals bij je andere foto. Misschien kan je ook nog laten zien hoe het er binnen uit ziet. Wat ik vooral mooi en opvallend vind zijn die vogels , ze fladderen door het mooie kasteel bos ! Ook is het mooi dat de lucht in het water schijnt maar alles is mooi , en het spannende vind ik de bosjes die zijn zo griezelig en dat maakt het samen met het kasteel spannend. Voorderest een super mooie foto !!


Groetjes xx Flore :)

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Richard, great to see you! I'm glad you are so enthusiastic about this picture.


Julio, muchos gracias!!! 6/6 = OK tambien:~)


You're a great master in PS Emrah so I feel very flattered with your comment, thanks again.


Tja Peter, zo gaat dat he, ik word een dagje ouder en dan vlot het allemaal niet zo maar met een beetje geduld wordt het soms nog wel eens wat. Ik ben echt blij dat je hem mooi vindt. Dank je wel!:)


I'm really very happy with your appreciation Wim, and I keep saying that without your help and the explanations in the beginning I should have never been able to create things like this. So thank you dear brother:~)


I'm glad you undergoes the fairy-tale mood too, dear Amelie*. But has it also stroke you that this is the castle of the Baroness??? Yes, it really is:~) The bridge you see leads to the main entrance. Hugies back:~)


Dear Michael, so nice you drop by and.... I'm more than contented with your ratings. That you like to give me more that tells me enough:~)


Alex, it's great to hear that you enjoyed this one too, because it's a total different genre than my 'turn day into night shots'. A bit more sugary. But I have broaded myself in PS while I worked to this picture so I've learned a lot because I have discovered some techniques I had never used before.


Thanks Paula for your appreciation. The birds yes, afterwards I'm glad I have captured them and save the shots. In the original shots they flew against an ugly background (a blank wall of the castle) so I had some hesitation about saving or throwing the shots away. I had no plans to add birds to this shot. But when I finished it I noticed that there was a lack of tension in the composition. And then I remembered the herons which always fly around in the neighbourhood of this castle with all its canals and ponds filled with fish. Though I've copied them they actually belong here. It's very nice that you underlines the impact they have in this composition.


Hoihoi Flore en Josje, wat leuk dat jullie ook even een kijkje komen nemen. En Flore jij vindt het hier blijkbaar zelfs zo spannend dat je nog een keertje terug komt. Dat is helemaal mooi:0))


Ik zou heel graag een keer binnen foto's maken maar jammer; het mag niet. Vroeger mocht het wel maar de laatste jaren werd er vaak ingebroken in het kasteel. Er staan heel veel erg oude en waardevolle meubels in de zalen en er hangen dure schilderijen en klokken aan de muur. Het schijnt dat de dieven zo goed de weg weten in het kasteel omdat ze er eerst als gewone bezoeker zijn heengegaan (gewoon met de rondleiding mee door het kasteel) en toen hebben ze foto's gemaakt van de bijzondere spullen. Was een makkie voor ze om een keer 's nachts terug te komen en snel de duurste spullen mee te nemen omdat ze precies wisten waar alles stond. Daarom mag er binnen niet meer gefotografeerd worden. Maar dat mag wel op de binnenplaats en in de boomgaard achter het kasteel. Dus misschien dat ik daar nog wel een paar mooie foto's van kan maken. Ga anders maar een keertje met me mee mee dan laten we ons rondleiden door de barones zelf:~) Dat doet ze vast wel want ze apetrots op haar mooie spulletjes en haar kasteeltje.


O ja, en mooi meegenomen die 7/7! :D Ik ben er heel erg bij mee en ik ben hartstikke trots op je prachtige kritiek.

Dikke kus van Oma:~) XXX


VI P, nice you drop by. I appreciate it very much that you took the time to look and comment my picture.











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Fairy tales always my favorite. In your many pictures, you have brought back wonderful stories from my childhood. This is no exception. Very pleasing colour tones & the birds flying freely generates a peaceful mood. Well done again.
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This is such a lovely composition and a lot of hours of work. You are inspiring me to go look for a castle :-) Had you not "confessed" I certainly would have taken this for a single photo with some colour alterations. Congrats!
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Dear Cherlyn, it's great to hear this pictures reminds you to your childhood. I'm sure you must have been a very happy little girl. I'm glad you've also enjoyed this picture. Cheers, Ada:~)


Hi Kim, I'm really very happy with your enthusiast comment. It's a real compliment that you were convinced that all the ingredients where in the orginal shot. I'll show you the original picture to compare the different moods. Many greetings, Ada:~) O and Kim, I'm sure you will find a suitable castle =)

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Ada, to me you have created something straight out of Transylvania: mystical and spooky at the same time. I love it.



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