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Rugge, Pennington's Crop

meli d

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Send me a copy of the original file in as high a resolution as you might have and we'll make this one into a print.



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I was just going to write you to let you know to tell Brooke how much I liked her "horizon" shot, of the wood and the flash, like a sunrise!


Will do . . . What are the numbers you need? Probably the original scan, before I resized it for PN?

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I will give Brooke your message. She loved your poem and the "blue door."


The orginal scan would be great. If it's not too big (>20mb) email should work. Won't Rugge be surprised when he sees billboards along I-5 with his likeness on them...


What should we advertise?

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The first line of the article about when the photographer becomes the subject, "I think you guys are carrying this a bit too far."


Marco, my friend, you let go of your camera and now look what!

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At last, I have met one!


Will send it tomorrow, George ~ that is very generous to offer! Rugge, this could be the start of something big!


I am very glad that Brooke likes The Blue Door! Maybe soon, ahem, it will be a presentation herein!


P.S. - - I know exactly what to advertise!

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This Fine Photograph! Started at the store, with a pose and a snap,

and a handsome chap - - But a friend with more skill, said, look,

here's the drill: cut the rest, leave the face, that expression is

the focus place! Then, wow, like, behold, there's a treasure found

as gold, and a portrait black and white, of My White Knight. Though

I can't believe my eyes, for it's better than I saw it, and I'm

glad, quite relieved, for years I've tried to draw it.

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C'est fantastique, n'est-ce pas! Now, has your invisible man disappeared? Have Brooke take your picture to post!
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Mel, great picture of Marco! (already told him so) This picture matches the personality that comes through on PN, just as his pictures of you do the same.

From now on I think I'll just chop off the part of my head where the hair stopped growing.

Ciao, preziosa

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That is a great note, and also I liked the note you left on his "Serena" pic ~ If you didn't get my Happy New Year note, then I say it again . . .
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ah, so this is yours! I think this is a fabulous shot, as it gives a real feeling of insight into a kind and generous fellow. i'm a big fan of an off center crop, i like the toning, the little catch light in the eyes brings us to them readily, the white shirt is done well, the blur isolates him nicely.
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Great comment, then to me that sounds like "places everyone!" ~ and everyone in their place! Great places!

i love it! Thx.!

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Me gusta muchisimo este retrato de Guido donde has captado a la perfeccion esa mirada entranable que tiene. Pena de un poquito mas de foco en los ojos, pero creo que en los retratos lo mas importante es reflejar el alma del retratado y en este caso tu lo has conseguido.
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