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sascha hüttenhain

From the category:

Nude and Erotic

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An absolutely beautifully composed picture. What a feast for the senses. The choice of brightness and contrast all fit so well. Having the model looking with her eye helps intrigue us into wondering what she's thinking. Is she allowing us to view her? or is she shying away? Wow. a photograph such as this doesn't come our way very often.


Thank you for the treat!



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Hello Sascha, What a wonderful high key image! I've been an fan of yours for some time. You are very talented and inspirational. Thanks for sharing your work with us all. Cheers, Raymond
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Splendid, splendid! Such gorgeous use of the light and shape! Is it possible to purchase a print? or perhaps a full sized tiff?

with regard,

Jed Wormhoudt

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Goran Stefanovski wrote:

Not as good, but not bad either, and properly captioned...

This is, of course, a tribute to Sascha Hüttenhain :)

...so it's a nice tribute!

If I ever manage to create something similar (and I'm a shameless copycat ;)  I'll be sure to post a link here.

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this is not one photo... Is one superbe and wonderful and the best image that I ave seen.


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