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© Karl Schuler

Aliyar with Snow Leopard Cub

Karl Schuler


© Karl Schuler

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The mother of this snow leopard cub from Naltar Valley in Northern

Pakistan was killed by sheep herders because she attacked their

flocks. Local people found the young cub and started caring for it.

When it was about six weeks old it was brought to the Wildlife

Departent and WWF in Gilgit. This is where this photo was taken (in

the arms of Aliyar from IUCN). From there it was given to the

rangers of the Khunjerab National Park, where it is close to its

natural habitat. It is growing day by day and likes to play with the

staff and visitors. However it will never be able to survive in the


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Interesting photo, a slight burn on the shirt highlights could be beneficial though. Is he wearing a toupe? :)
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The background was well chosen. The look on both faces is also appropriate. Thanks for sharing the story and picture.
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Hello Karl, it is nice to see Leo about one month younger than I held it in my arms... you are right Leo was very fragile at this time... thank's for sharing...

Maybe we will see him again. alex

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Guest Guest


They are beautiful animals. There is a snow leopard at the Saint Louis Zoo that I have seen several times.


The photo is very nice. It is interesting to see that people in that region would be able to save the animal in the midst of the present conflicts.

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Thanks Jana for your comment. In the meantime Leo has been shifted to the Bronx Zoo in New York. It is there as part of a Snow Leopard breeding program. After few years it should come back to Pakistan together with a bride and be kept in a confortable closed enviroment in the mountains where they would breed more cubs and attract tourists. Karl
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