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I like the contrast between the detail in the rocks and the fuzziness of the water. I would have cropped the bottom for a stronger composition.
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I like this a lot. Great mood. While I've never been there, it makes me think of the moors of England or something out of a 1950's horror film
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Very very beautiful, nice combination of rock-stillness and softness of motion. If only there was a bit more space around (not so tight cropping). The tonality and visualisation is otherwise good...


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Carlos, this really works for me. The contrasts, textures and tones are great. I would only like to see a bit more space around the larger rock.
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This image has been selected for discussion. It is not necessarily the "best" picture the Elves have seen this week, nor is it a contest. It is simply an image that the Elves found interesting and worthy of discussion. Discussion of photo.net policy, including the choice of Photograph of the Week should not take place here, but in the Site Feedback forum.

Before writing a contribution to this thread, please consider our reason for having this forum. We have this forum because future visitors might be interested in learning more about the pictures. They browsed the gallery, found a few striking images and want to know things like why is it a good picture, why does it work? Or, indeed, why doesn't it work, or how could it be improved?

So, when contributing to this thread, please keep the above in mind. Address the strengths, the shortcomings of the image. It's not good enough to like it, you should spend some time trying to put into words why that is the case. Equally so if you don't like it, or if you can't quite make up your mind.

Let's make sure this forum is a wonderful learning resource for future photographers!

Thank you and enjoy!

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There is a surreal aspect to the contrast between the blurred water and the highly detailed rock. Cropping the image so that there's no real point of reference outside the rock creates a fantastic effect.
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I agree with Jiang. The composition is too much tight to judge. It seems to me that it is the top of a mountain peak surrounded by mysterious clouds. The tonal range is though admirable.
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I agree, too. If one is looking to see the water as water, then there's room for disappointment. It's an amazing image, but the time exposure has pushed it so far beyond reality that it can't be taken for what it is.
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Aside from that, I like the square, it seems appropriate, but the placement, size and texture of the rocks in the top makes it as if the image is going to topple over. Its center of visual weight feels too high.
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at the angle the photo is taken it seems there should be some element of sky or horizon yet there appears to be none...an unusual photograph but the water is too pervasive, too overpowering.
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An artistically courageous picture - extremely blurry water, top-heavy composition -, but imo, it all works wonderfully well together, to produce an harmonious yet powerful opposition between liquids and solids. Nothing I'd like to change. Hat's off.
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I can see what you were aiming for here - contrast between the solid stillness of the rocks and the ever moving sea.I feel that an over-long exposure has removed any sense of fluidity from the water - here it is has become an amorphous mass with no suggestion of movement. I would also be inclined to remove some of the redundant space in the lower part of the image.I hope you will excuse me for being so critical - there are others of your interesting images that I prefer to this.
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I think this is rocks in a flowing stream, or it could be stumps of wood. At any rate, I find this particular photograph unimpressive. My eye cannot light on a subject. It might be better in color. Just what is the subject--the big rock or the large light colored spot just to the left of the rock. The water makes a pattern, but is uninterestiang to my eye. I think the large rock might be a better subject, if it had more space above it. I also would crop the lower third away as it does nothing for this photo.


Before I made my comments here, I looked at your other photographs and see that I do absolutely love many of your works. Some of those in still water, especially the one with just the slightest bit of color is absolutely wonderful. I like some of the sky scenes too. Actually even those with water movement generally are far superior to the one selected for POW. I blame the elves for that. You have much to offer and I congratulate you for being selected, but they just picked the wrong one.


Everyone should check out the other fine pictures made by this man before commenting on this POW. Really outstanding work.

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While I appreciate the effort that must have gone into making this image, it just doesn't

work for me. There's all of space below the lower rock, but very little space to the left, and

little space above the larger rock. These factors make for what seems to me to be a fairly

awkward grouping of subjects. I fully realize how hard it is to get an image with two

subjects (or, in this case, objects) to work. For whatever reasons, odd-numbered pieces

seem to be a little easier to balance. There is also an apparent tilting back of the larger

rock which, vis a vis the smaller rock, creates a somewhat awkward perspective. Finally, I

have absolutely no idea what the toning of the image contributes. While I certainly like the

look of duotone images, it's not at all clear what the toning contributes here. I agree with

the many that have commented on how good your other images are, and would have liked

one of these to have been chosen instead of this one. On the other hand, this image

should certainly generate a lot of discussion, all of which will be interesting and

thoughtful, regardless of my preferences and the preferences of others.


In any case, best wishes!

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It would be nice to know how Carlos loaded the 6x6 film into his D70...

However, this is a digital capture and the square format usually makes me want to see the original frame. Has this image resulted out of an attempt to make something out of nothing?

The very first comment (Tim De Boeck) is spot on, imo. Crop from the bottom...

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I like the piece but the first thing I noticed is that the balance was off. Then I noticed it was mentioned by the very first poster too as I scrolled through the commments.


This opinion has been reiterated by a few others after him also. Bottom line, the bottom indeed needs cropping. That will also solve the other problem mentioned by a few, the top seems top heavy, and not enough space above the top rock. By cutting the bottom, that evens out the space and thus eliminates that problem.


Here is the submitted improvement.

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