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We will always have Paris...


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This image has been selected for discussion. It is not necessarily the "best" picture the Elves have seen this week, nor is it a contest. It is simply an image that the Elves found interesting and worthy of discussion. Discussion of photo.net policy, including the choice of Photograph of the Week should not take place here, but in the Site Feedback forum.

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This is a very strong image. The only bothersome area is the bottom left goes too dark, losing all detail. The mat is ok, but I'd of put thin outer line to help set it off, making a frame effect.
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2 immediat questions that come to me :

Where the digital enhancements really necessary ? The fashion frame and what seems to be selective sepia.. I find it disturbing.


Maybe short dof was'nt the best solution. I have the feeling sharp birds would have been more effective


A part from that, it's a nicely done portrait, as many in this photographers gallery. A little too clean and prepared for my taste but good =)

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The loss of detail in the near background looks incongruous to me with the level of detail in the birds and sky - it strikes me as a so-so photoshop job. Otherwise, the photograph itself is quite striking.
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The birds seem more in focus than the wall behind her.

Perhaps not as simple as it seems?


I like it though :-)

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This is one of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen, definately puts a tear to my eye. What did you shoot it on? What camera/film/lens and what F/stop? it looks like their is a nice shallow DOF with nice BOKEH.
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Absolutely beautiful IMO. Lets not start the digital enhancement debate here as what you are viewing has nothing to with being purely in the digital form.

I feel the tone adds to the architecture in the picture.

I'm led into the picture from the lower right and out again by the eyes and birds when I actually would like to remain focused on the subject.

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I do not know whether foto-collages (= the overlaying of two different pictures into one) cannot be done a bit better than what is here. But overall a pleasant result (3s all around, maybe). A bit obvious the collaging,, but so what.
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I would like first to thank you all for your comments. It's the first time I get a POW and I'm really glad about it.


Some technical information about this image (if this really matters)

Camera: EOS 5D, Lens: 50mm f1.4, Exposure f3.2 @ 100 ISO


This image has been shot on an overcast day. Unfortunately, clouds just started to move away as we started the session and I had to darken/adjust them digitally. The birds were also added afterwards.


I won't go into a discussion about digital manipulation: Photoshop adjustments is simply my way to make the image that I have in mind.


Best regards,

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Thank you. My thought on the birds is that adding them detracts for me, because they look added, probably because of the depth-of-focus issue. I think it would look better in either of two ways: without the birds, or with just one bird or perhaps two or three birds, positioned nearer and larger, and perhaps blurred slightly, so they looked more natural.


It is a nice composition and I like the photo itself quite a bit; it is only the way the birds look out of place that detracts for me.

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