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On the Edge of the Created


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"Classic pose" ... "self absorbed" ... good grief people, it's a baby, not a fashion model!


As a parent, I have a slightly different take on this. I think it is a comment on how the beauty of the natural world pales compared to that of a human child. The child and seascape are disconnected in the same sense that two contestants at a beauty pageant are disconnected. They relate to each other as competitors. And in this instance, the seascape comes out as runner up.


The photographer, I believe, showed her bias as between the contestants by choosing the warm color balance which brings out the best in the baby but not in the shorescape.

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I agree with August, actually. I just posted my first comments as a counterpoint to those who expected the baby to be interacting with the landscape. I feel that regardless of the photographers intention, the image is more striking because the bay isn't noticing the surroundings.


And it seems apparent what the subject is the baby, not the landscape, if only from the perspective chosen. If the landscape was the point the baby would probably appear smaller.

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The strong thing about the picture is to me, that the child makes this distinction between itself and the background disappear - or, more precisely, you did so by depicting the scene in this way. The child is completely absorbed in its own world, touching its own feat in exploration; in the same way, the surrounding nature is just beïng itself; and thus they are actually one! The soft hair of the baby is touching the vegetation in the background which also is like a soft touch of growth on the bare rock, that's really great!
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Why did I create this image...well it is a follow up to "The Edge of Creation" http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=3122101


The baby was photographed this way intentionally?she is not oblivious to her surroundings, quiet the opposite? she has just become a part of this world and is discovering it in her own time.

She is small in the world and will be a part of it soon enough. This image makes a statement for me ?. the setting sun, the turing sea, the hard rocks, the wind and even the dead, dry trees have meaning in this image...I actually photographed the baby just being a baby. I did not feel pressure to make her do anything?such as react to her surroundings. I felt it was important to let her be, And for all of you that are about to say then why naked on the rocks of Oklahoma?this place was special to her mother, I photograph her there ever year.Thank you so much for the feedback. I do agree this copy of the image is a bit red I have since toned that down, although the rocks here are very red respectfuly.

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Hi Lissa, I think any photographer would make a different picture, or see things differently, that is how people are (luckely), this is your picture and your story behind it. This picture gives me also the feeling that the child is alone in this world (like JO mentioned "on top off the evolution") a great shot where you can be proud of. The redness in the picture gives it also a bit of a dramatic/another planet feeling, not sure if you have to toned that down. Any way I'll wish you all the luck becomming picture of the week.
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Well, it might be a lake in Oklahoma, but it reminded me of the ocean, and, lo, there this was this baby that had just crawled out of it. What came to mind immediately was the idea of evolution, millions of years of it, compressed into 1/125th of a second.


Very well done, Lissa. Congratulations on having it chosen.



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Lissa, thanks for your explanation. I wondered whether there was something special or nostalgic about the location. Helps me understand the rationale. Nice job.
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I really like the juxtaposition of textures, the soft against the harsh.


About the 'pose'. Had the baby been looking at us, it would have been just a baby portrait, but still a nice one. Had the baby been looking out at the sea, it would have looked contrived and we would have known the mother was just off the edge calling the baby, maybe even its arms outstretched to be picked up. This final capture is so natural.


I would have bet money it was on the coast of northern Maine in the fall.


As far as million of years of evolution which came first, the chicken or the egg? I like the title; it's more true and actually takes less faith.

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Hi Lissa,

The photo says so very much! The water is so very close to the baby and the immediate red flag of danger is there! Yet the tranquail setting of the entire environment is not only beautiful but quite possibly lulling one into a quiet safety that does not exist with the baby so dangerly close to the wate. Beautiful photo...you should be very proud!!!!!! Rob Harriman

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Hi Lissa, the photo speakes to me in many ways and I like it the way you shot it. The self-absorbtion of the baby is natural; she is becoming conscious of herself furst; it's a slow exploration. But more than this, the desolate landscape: hard, naked rocks, skinny tree, contrasted with the beginning of life can be seen, symbolically, as a new beginning for Nature. Whatever your intention, I love the shot and what it tells the viewer.
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Hello! I'm actually new to Photo.net and to evaluating photography, so I'm not sure how valuable my opinion will be... (lol.) But I have to say that the picture at first glance is very striking. I love the way the clouds and the water exhibit a smooth sort of motion. Also, the photo itself has a very futuristic look and feel to it. Again, I'm no expert, but as a humble observer, I think it's a beautiful photograph. :)
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I think it beautifully executed but a trite title and theme. Anne Geddes would relate ... and that's not a compliment.


Certainly "Nevermore" is a much better and more thoughtful image.


IMO you should not have put your initials in the image.

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As a long-time fan of your work, I'm happy to see this as POW, Lissa. I see a definite connection of the baby to the landscape. Both are "pure" at this moment in time but will likely be shaped into something different by people they have contact with. Hopefully, both will remain unspoiled by the interaction of humankind with them. Beautiful lighting and detail - I like it a lot.
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As a photo there may be some comments about the red/cyan/magenta whatever in it. To me the photo's power is in the fact that it transcends these elements and speaks individually to you. Some saw self-absorption and the natural beauty ignored; others saw purity ...


I felt a sense of calmness in the face of potential danger - the harsh stone and the vast sea standing in contrast to the innocence of the baby.


I believe art (and literature) are a totality of what they are and what they evoke in the audience. In that sense this is a grand photo artistically.

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It is unusual to see lone child outside in the nature, near water. But

looking at it further, I feel strong connection between child and this

environment. It reflects a kind of unity of life.

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Very Original ! I would have hit the background with Photoshop to make it seem more painterly.
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I like this photo a lot. It has a very nice composition and a very balanced feel. The light skin of the child is balanced by the weight of the water on the right. The cloud mass on the upper right also complements the weight of the child as well. The color tone of the shore blends well with the child. Very nice overall.


I would love to have taken a picture like this of my children.

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to me it looks like the kid had been added there (not in the photo, but on that beach)... i don't feel very natural about it, i mean, the background is very nice, and the idea of the kid standing there is ok, but when they come together, it's like the kid is taking something from the beauty of the background...
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