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still lovely, afterwards . . .

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Comments and suggestions will be appreciated. Photo taken with one

overhead light and natural light from a window on a rather dreary day

in North Carolina.





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Don - Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and for your kind words. Very much appreciated!



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Hi Kathy. Great composition and well told story of the frailty of love or friendship. Maybe is just me. Am I reading too much out of this photo?


The lighting is good, the background could have been a bit lighter in terms of surface more than light.


Good title.




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David and Mario - Thanks for the wonderful comments. I am very fond of the last days of the flowers I photograph first while in their prime. I am indeed making a statement about the beauty and importance of each stage of life. I am particularly touched by the fragile beauty most often overlooked.


David - You are so right about the fading roses also illustrating the fraility of love or friendship. Wilted is exactly how most of us feel after experiencing such a loss. I have other views of my fading flowers and will post a few soon.



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David - I posted "friends" and "still friends" to my portfolio this afternoon. I hope to hear your thoughts on these.



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kathy brown, we seem to have so much in common its a little freaky. i shoot flowers with a 10d, made a series of videos once, have written an unpublished novel, have two dogs, tall children . . . wow, glad to make your acquaintance. i like this and the other flower photos you have posted very much, you have a very assured, delicate touch with colors and light that i am still attempting to develop. pleasure to have run across your work.
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. . . and your film is adorable and funny -- your last shot of the dog entering the house is very very touching. nice work, thank you for sharing it as well.
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I have had a look at all your photos (all I will say is get some more on pronto) they are all very good and I love the mood you have created with your flower shots.

regards from Kevin

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Ben, Thank you so much for your kind comments on my work. I am very much in need of encouragement and feeling now that I may just find some on PN!


I am also happy that you enjoyed the little film. It was definitely a labor of love. One of the stars, Hedda Hopper, died at barely 4 a few months after the film was completed. I'm very glad we made the film while she was with us.


I look forward to enjoying your fine work and receiving critiques from you in future on more of my efforts.



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Kevin, Thanks for taking the time to look at my start of a portfolio and for your kind words. I will definitely be adding more photos each day. Hope to hear your thoughts on the additions to my portfolio.


I will continue to watch your wonderful works as well!



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Ben, I learned a lot from the discussion on ratings and comments you referenced. Extremely valuable perspective for me since I am still so new to PN. I will certainly place a great deal more emphasis on comments and critiques rather than ratings now that I have a better understanding of the system and their true value.


Thanks again! I look forward to many enjoyable exchanges with you.


Take care,



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Kathy (or Kat? which do you prefer?) -- the place is what you make of it, nothing wrong with ratings, just depends what you want at any given time. do it your way, just wanted to give you some perspective and ideas.


i am assuming you've found your workspace and how to work it, including the mark people as interesting and follow-up features, which are great for communicating.


also, assume you found the critique forum's flowers and macro categories.


our dogs are coda and louie -- from a rescue group, herding dogs, there are some shots of them in my animals folder.


okay, back to work!



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Ben - I answer to either but online I have always been Kat. In "real life" it is Kathy. You may choose!
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i will. i notice you found appoldt. some other great ringmasters of discussions (forgive me if you've already found them) are pnina evental, biliana rakocevic, laurie meehan-elmer, walter tatulinski, carl root, linda keagle, amar khoday, wilson tsoi. not all in your genre (as displayed so far), but enough so, and good people. newer members who i think you might enjoy include kathy wilson, ben anderson, marco ruggerio, mel leggett. just some ideas.


i'm like a welcoming committee or something all of a sudden! well, i enjoy the thought and heart behind your work, including as evident in your video, so welcome.

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This one is the best of your flower images up to now. The colour and the composition are just perfect like from the painitngs of the Flemish masters. These flowers are withering but they are even more aesthetical in this condition.
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Thank you, Michal. This is one of my favorites also. I appreciate the beauty in flowers as they are fading, often more than when they are fresh and vibrant. I'm happy when someone else sees their beauty.



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