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© Marco Ruggiero all rights reserved!

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You're out of control Marco. Another excellent image.


I wonder...do you use the strap on your camera? If not, your images will be cleaner without it.

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I do use it, but you have a point, in that if I put it behind my head when I have something like this it would be cleaner.


Thanks for the catch.

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hi marco. you know, i've been thinking lately, what the hell is a photograph anyway? i get bored when thinking of it in terms of f stops and light and color and all that. in the end, i like best to think of it as story telling, as revealing something not just about the scene, but about the heart and mind of the author. i think of this because from the first i have seen a joie de vivre in your work, a sense of humor, a certain elegance. this photo has its limitations -- the light is terribly harsh to make it more than a snapshot in a technical sense to me, but it has that unique stamp of humor and elegance showing it to be a work of marco ruggierio regardless. and that quality elevates it above the ordinary.
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Thanks Ben, from the bottom of my heart, and I hope that you have received my email.


Best regrads and hope to hear from you soon.



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This was shot while on the street taking other photos.If you should

decide to rate it 4 or less please be kind and leave a comment as to

how to improve it.

Critiques and comments always welcome.


Thanks in advance.



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I'm not sure who is being reflected in what, but it doesn't matter. This looks very Italian to me, reminds me of the famous shot (in Life, I think) of the American girl being oggled on the street by the young men of Florence. Marco, I didn't think you were a paparazzo. Ben is right -- this is great storytelling
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I don't know what to say. Thank you as to Ben. Still trying ferociously to learn better techniques, so that the "storytelling" is more consistent.


Thanks again for all your interest.



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Ah, consistency is an American trait, perhaps really English, but, Marco, you have the soul of an Italian. How I envy that. (not that I'm the least bit consistent)
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A pesar del fuerte sol californiano y del blanco puro de la ropa, tiene bastante de neorealismo italiano. La pose de la figura izquierda es extraordinariamente cinematografica.
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En esta no me pasa como con la otra tuya del reflejo y la ninya. Aqui parece evidente que fotografias al hombre y no a ti, con lo que hay una logica en la foto que funciona.
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Muy agradecido por tus comentario en esta y en la otra. Entiendo perfectamente lo que tu me dices y aunque racionalmente no me di cuenta de estas observaciones, al verlas con mas cuidado tu comentario tiene valor. Ademas tu eres el que observa la imagen y naturalmente lo que yo proyecto es lo que tu observas.

Muy buena observacion y muy agradecido por las mismas

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Muy amable y gracias por la comparacion a Bernardo, quisiera. para llegar a su estadura tengo que aprender por el resto de mi vida. Gracias por el interes y por tus comentarios.



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