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Too Much Between Us


No Tripod

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The smell, the sound of the sea and the cry of the sea birds always

remind me of the album 'A Salty Dog' from Procol Harum. 'Too Much

Between Us' is one of my favourite numbers from that album.


I appreciate your comments. Thank you, Ada:)

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I love Procol Harum...These birds add humour and nice diagonals to this graphic shot, Ada, dearest. It seems all up and down and back and forth (oh, like the ocean - I'm making myself seasick!)...but then the eye goes to the birds in that lovely triangular composition. You have a great eye, Ada!
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I can barely believe that you've ever heard of Procol Harum. I always thought they must have been from far before your time, dear Lee LOL. I'm so happy you like my picture. Till now it seems you are the only one who appreciate the hell of a job I did to get those birds there where I liked to have them:~)


Your comment is great as always and it gives me a real support and hope for my photograpic future. Thank you for that Lee, Greetings, Ada:)

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Deze is weer goed. Het is geen Scheveningen natuurlijk ;-) maar vooruit, een mooi plaat. Wil daar graag eens kijken.





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het is het Veerse Meer en ik heb de hele horizon weggekloond. Erg he? Soms gaat het prutsen aan foto's wel erg ver vind ik zelf. Dat gevoel kreeg ik toen ik hiermee bezig was. Zal wel met de watersnoodramp te maken hebben. 'Niet een tweede keer' dacht ik nog. Maar mijn drang tot schepping won het weer eens van een knagend gevoel van schuld dat me overviel. En zie hier. Hoop dat je na mijn ontboezeming niet van gedachten bent veranderd wat betreft de schoonheid van dit vredige tafereeltje.


Groetjes, Ada:)

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I know the name "procol harum" but I don't at all even one of their songs : | May be if I heard one, I could say "hmm... yes, that says something to me!" but at the moment... a biiiig silence in my head : ) Well, the title works well and the shot, beyond its great composition, is very very pleasant to see. I like it!
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First off, I'm really very glad that you like this composition because I was already in doubt because off the law ratings and the lack of comments.

But your positive words fade all my brooding away:)


I understand that the music of Procol Harum don't say anything to you. They were on theyr top about 1969-1970. But I'm sure you would recognize the melody of 'A salty Dog' (crying sea gulls and a sinking ship) and 'A Whither Shade of Pale'. Both numbers are golden one's and you can still hear them now and then on the radiostations. But we are here for the picture's eh?:~) Thank you for visiting me Yann, I really appreciate that.


Greetings, Ada.


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I love the way you have framed the picture with the beautiful blue sky at the back ground. I Believe the two birds makes the photo if there was only one I think it would have not made an interesting part of the photo great shot
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Da's lang geleden! Daarom extra leuk een commentaartje van je te krijgen en nog wel zo positief. Dank je wel! groetjes en XXX Ada:~)))
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As a photograph this is very very pleasant. As an image to which people could suggest a caption, especially some kind of conversation between the two birds, it is rich in potential.


I will make my offering:


"Stop complaining, if you want the good seat, you got to get here first."

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Your comment brought a big smile on my face, WJ! I would like it if more people would follow your example and write down in one line what the birds are talking about.


I know a saying in Dutch but I'm not sure if I have found a good translation of it in English: 'Opgestaan plaats vergaan!' It means something like: 'Stand up and you loose your seat'!


Greetings, Ada:)

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