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In camera Hi-Key. Changed to a light sepia, just for fun and then hand-colored.

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Hand-colored Just for fun! For those of you who know how to hand-color you can appreciate the work involved. For those of you have never hand-colored an image I invite you to play. It is not as easy as it looks. It is both complicated and time consuming. But the results can be so rewarding! I am planning on taking a class in doing this on art paper with oils. I can't wait!
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Normally I just don't care about ratings, only comments, but the member that keeps rating EVERYTHING I do with a 3/3 and doesn't comment & offers no help makes it seem like retaliation. If I did something to offend you please let me know. Or...... Please..... comment and offer some constructive critique. It won't hurt my ego. If there's something you can offer.....do it! Please.
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Jayme, this is my favorite of the three as it gives a bit more liveliness and retains drawing-like effect. In this case, color pencil drawing. Well worth the effort, IMO! ^_^
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Just stunning...It is amazing how you do this. The detail of his hair and eyebrows is very impressive. I am jealous!!! I think you could start a side business of doing PS Seminars:-) But then again can you teach someone patience? This must take a huge amount. When I attempt to do this I get the face done and then I zoom out and it looks like a blotchy mess that my four year old colored. LOL. His parents will be amazed and what a gift you have given them.
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I just tried to give you 7/7 and the rating system won't let me... I have to wait it says since you have given me a 7. Maybe they should do that with the low raters also. They should only be able to rate one posting low from one photographer in so many days. It might help the jealously thing or retaliations.
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oh, what a sweetie dear Jayme!

Love those smart Eyes and so soft tones! Pastel colors are for babies for sure!!

wow. hand colored!!!!




P.S. have you seen what I have done with my Nephew Danilo ?? I called Crying time for Children!

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Lou Ann- Thank you for the lovely complement. Talented? I'm not sure about that. I think my talent is perseverance. I'm just so darn obstinate. I refuse to give up the ship. I just change game plans and try something different if one thing doesn't work. My husband says I'm relentless. He means it in a nice way, I think! :).


Wilson- "Liveliness" :) I like that description, nice choice of words. Thanks


Jason- Thanks for the comments


Emily- Hand-coloring does take some patience. I find picking out just the right color from the millions of colors to choose from is the hardest. I've learned since I started doing this that keeping each individual color in it's own layer and actually naming the layer is one key to success. I usually have at least 8 layers of color. I may have the same color, a shade darker, accentuating the shadows of an image. I think the skin color is the hardest. I like to talk on the phone with daughter or mother while I paint. Don't ask me why, but it find it relaxes me and I actually do better. Strange! :) I never flatten until I am completely satisfied. Sometimes I have 15-20 layers going. Gets a little hairy. I can not have any other images open or I run out of computer memory. But I truly love doing it. I always wished I could paint and this gives me the opportunity to do so. Even if it is in the cyber world:)


I had the same thing happen to me with not being able to rate a you a 7 because you rated me a 7. Just another bundle of joy from PN. I have begrudgingly accepted that PN operates on some alternative cosmic plane similar to earth, but not quite the same. I think it's called the"Farside" plane. I don't really mind, I just love to hear what you think, that's 100 times more important to me than some meaningless number. (I'm giggling) I have this picture in my mind (Kind of a Farside image) of the PN staff (Brian +1) sitting around a large table spending hours trying to figure out a way to trip up the mate raters and snipers, only to have their butts kicked almost immediately by the hackers who know how the game is played far better than they. Give it up boys, you're wasting your time. Either that, or hire a real hacker to make your system hack proof. :) The old saying " If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." comes to my mind. Where's Gary Larson when you need him? Come back Gary! Please!


Biliana- I looked but I could not find this "Crying Time" image group. I saw one Hi-Key image of Danilo, it was fabulous, but of course I couldn't give it a 7, new rules of engagement on PN. :) Oh my!

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Kim-Thank you. Glad to see your back.


As usual, yesterday I got this bright idea to do some much needed yard work. We have this goofy neighbor, who never trims her bushes. Well.... they were begining to overwhelm one side of my garage & our patio fence. So.... I spent several hours trimming them back. I then decided to drag the brush to the curb (we have a wonderful city pick up service) As they were sitting on the side of my driveway, which is cut down into the ground, there is a fairly gentle enbankment. Keep in mind my driveway is edged in pointy bricks. With this in mind, as I was dragging the brush to the curb, I got the bright idea to stamp it down with one foot. This worked well, for a while. But just as I was nearing completion of the clean up, I stamped and lost my footing, I fell head first down rhe embankment with my head heading toward those pointy bricks. So, I did the natural thing and threw out my right hand to protect my head. Thus, when I finally came to rest in my driveway, I fractured both bones in my right forearm! Ouch!

Of course, it was a beautiful day, my husband was off somewhere on his Harley. Our son was at work. Our Daughter lives in Louiville 45 miles away. Our daughter-in-law was out on a walk with the boys. I was lucky one of my friends was home washing her daughters hair. She took me to the ER, where they xrayed and pronounced both bones fractured. I have a temporary soft cast all the way to the arm pit! Ouch! This being a long weekend & since no bones broke through the skin, I must wait until Tuesday to determine if I will need surgery with pins or just manipulation & a cast for 8 weeks. I just can hardly wait :) Luckily, it really doesn't hurt that bad! Don't know why. I actually have 3 breaks, you know that little knot that sticks up in the wrist below the little finger, it's called the ulner cap, damned if i didn't break that off in addition to fracturing both bones. I can only guess it hit one of those pointy bricks! But I didn't hit my head! :)


Needless to say I was so embarressed not only because I broke my arm but more so because I was absolutely filthy. Twigs in my hair, mud on my clothes and hands, just filthy! I felt like a fool. They were very understanding :) The things I get myself into!

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Oh my, I am so sorry to hear of your accident. It sounds really bad and painful. Being I have never broken a bone, I have no idea what you are going through. I wish you fast healing. I understand if we don't hear from you in awhile. Get better and take care of your arm, my friend.
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Yikes! Oh no, right arm with a full length cast. You'll have to use a cable release for a while. All kidding aside, rest, take care and heal fast. Wishing you the best from here on...


Nice picture, by the way. Did you do any reading on the subject of hand coloring or does your skill come naturally?

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Thanks All, it's a real pain in the butt. Outpatient surgery this morning, manipulation & recasting. I'm kind of hoping they knock me out for the rest of the day, but I know that's not gonna happen. So....rest (yeah right) and taking it easy for a few days & then 8 weeks of carrying this damn cast around. Thank God for my kids & my Mom is coming down to help me for a while.
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i like this one the best, and its very attractive. terrific expression (looking right at you!), and the combo of high key and delicate coloring work really well. you't got a gift, jayme, and are developing a definitive style that is very attractive.
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Thanks Ben-


Well, the new cast is on! Yeah! Put me to sleep, don't remember a thing. Sore as all get out, but right now, it actually feels better, less crunched feeling. My kids can't wait to sign the darn thing! Giving it a day or 2 to feel just a little less achy! Learning to write left handed, actually kind of fun! A real challenge! So all better, now it's time to see how long before I can hold my camera steady? Hope it's not too long. I'm thinking a week or less. Time will tell.

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Thank you dear Jayme for your comment on my Danilo High-Key and


thank you for explaining how you do this hand colored babies that I love so much.


and I have to say that you are really TALENTED and I like your perseverance (are you a Scorpio? cause you act and react almost like me!! :):):)))


and here is the ID of Danilo`s photograph for you to see and to tell me your opinion!



Have a very creative Day daer Jayme!



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Jayme, I read your comment on the 3/3 rating with huge interest. It's a real pain when you get low ratings and no positive comments as to why. I put it down to people being perhaps nasty, perhaps ignorant, perhaps a bit of both. But remember, every cloud has a silver lining - so here's my 7/7 for you! It's simply fantastic - hopefully one day, with a bit of practice, I'll be marginally as good as you.


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Thanks Ben, Biliana & Warren.


Biliana, I'm an Aquarius. :) I'll look at the image. Decided yesterday I needed to plant some flower bulbs....... ouch! So........ my husband has these HUGE heavy rubber gloves. They fit over my cast, :) I didn't get far. Too painful. Will try again today! I was able to drive for the first time. That made me feel a lot better, more independent. A friend of ours let me use one of those things, like a ball handle, you attach to your steering wheel. It works heavenly. Lucky, I have an automatic, my very first automatic in 30 years. Always have had a 4 or 5 speed.


Ben- I'll check them out.


Warren- You have enormous talent, so I am honored by you words! :)

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Hello Jamie,

This is really great! WOW, I love the hand color work. You started with a terrific photo which I think stands on its own, then the result of the combination of the hand coloring and the original strong portrait is really stunning!

I want to very much thank you for first explaining how you took the photo and did the lighting and then telling us how you did the hand coloring. It sounds very time consuming!

About the 3/3 (and the 3/4) you got. It seems that there is someone (more htan one?) out there who just does not like children. I got a 1/1 on this photo here . This is my first attempt at a "high key" portrait (so I am a little insecure about it). I must admit it comes from the inspiration that you have provided me. I found it far more difficult to get right than I had expected. Would you please be so kind to let me know what you think of the photo and how it could be improved?

Sorry to hear about your arm. That does sound painful. I hope it won't slow you down in your studio. You do such amazing work and are truely an inspiration. Someday I'd love to stop by at your shop.

Best, Maurik.

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Sorry I haven't been around Jayme but have been rather busy, would you believe, taking photo's. Still posting my work though. Noticed your problem with low raters that can't be bothered to leave comments to explain why. I think it's something we all suffer since there has been the anonymous ratings system. I don't think it's always aimed to get at you but rather it's people who are newer members and do not really know how the ratings system should be used and therefore are very carefull (in their eyes) not to over-rate. Well, at least, it's much less painfull to believe this train of thought. I have looked at your three versions of this portrait and like this one very much. I appreciate the hard labour you have put in to hand colouring, which has worked very well. I also rather like the texured finish of your framing. Something I must try. I, for one, therefore find this work well worth my 7/7. Hopes this helps to balance your ratings a little. My usual best regards to you and your ever growing family. Please pass round a cuddle from me.
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