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Mr. 10"


2 500w in studio

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Nude and Erotic

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my english is not good but is enough to understand a homophobic comment coming from James saying just only "gay" to this picture.. Is this any kind of insult? imaging you post a photo and somebody say "heterosexual".... what this means?... why a nude male body is automatically related with gay persons, and if so.. why is this a problem?. Ok.. taken a look on James page, he is using a special photo as his own photo.. The one with Ronald Reagan !!!!! (c'mon....)

Ok. I see now... I understand everything... no more words are needed...

Max.. your pic is excellent...


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According to Websters dictionary "gay" also means "excited", "merry", "lively" and "artfully brillant". So I think, James comment was meant as a funny compliment.
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Nice light. well cropped and perfect symetry, really like the fact u didnt crop his chin. Great work.
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Wander, Igor, Hendrick, Ken: thanks for your positive feedback. It is a shame that many people are programmed to reject male pictures and they do not even know why. Thanks for your good feedback on the works in this portfolio which tries to innovate and ADD a different point of view to all the people who have photography as a passion. Regards and keep your work flowing!
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James, OK comment appreciated, but still would be interesting to understand, from your heterosexual point of view, if you like the picture in terms of composition, human body depiction, light, etc.

Thanks for following up and regards!

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Nice shot Max, though I think I would have cropped out his chin, and maybe everything below the tip of his penis. But those are personal choices.

As for the "gay" type comments, we who have the balls to post male nude are subjected to them all the time. I think they have something to do with the mentality that cannot separate nudity from sex, thus cannot allow themselves to be seen appreciating a naked photograph of someone they would not want to be thought of as having sex with.

As always, glad to see your great work.

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Jay, Thanks for the great idea on the cropping, I think it changes and improves the picture, thanks! (I did it but I do not know how to post it here in this same critique message list...I will sent it to your mail)




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Is that true? If it is, then I want it on my bedroom wall, damn it! LOL.


Max, you know that I always adore your work...


Oh Max...and about little Jimmy, I bet you that he is a huge closet case, a total bottom, and has a tiny penis. LOL. Not to defend him, but I think he is so misunderstood. I think he really really really likes this image but just too damn chicken to admit it...


Keep it up, Max. You are doing great.


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HAHAHA thanks for your comments and the insights about little Jimmy! hahaha


I will send you a greeting card with this model to thank you personally! LOLOLOL


Best regards,



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this image has caused some stir, i myself love the image and not just because i am a homo. keep up the great work and dont let ignorant people get in your way.
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Thanks a lot for your positive comment! I think it is great to have also male bauty appreciated!


Best regards!



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