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Kowa super 66 film overlap


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Kowa bunga!


I am having occasional film overlap with my kowa super 66, any

suggestions about how to remedy this.


Aside from this I think the camera and the 85 and 55 lenses are

fantastic If anybody wants to sell any other lenses I would be

potentially interested.


best wishes


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I would strongly suggest a CLA (clean, lube and adjust) for the camera. You may have a winding mechanism problem which may require a simple adjustment. Call several local camera shops, if you have more than one, and ask each of them to whom they would send the camera for the CLA. Then, rather than paying "middle man" prices, take or send the camera to that business yourself. You might also want to take them a sample of your film with the uneven spacing for them to see. Also, if you look in the older sections or do a search on Kowa Super 66, you will find the name of a great repairman who specializes in these cameras. I don't remember his name off the top of my head but there have been many other MFD members who have recommended him. Maybe some of you Kowa owners out there remember his name and can refer David to him??? Good Luck!
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I did the search myself. Here's the info:


His name is Ross Yerkes in Los Angeles. He can be reached at: 213-256-1018 Ross Yerkes Camera Repair. He is probably considered the formost indepentent repair authority for Kowa cameras in the US. If you check the search for his name, you will find that he fixes what other repair shops make worse! He is better and less costly (both initially and after the fact) than most of his compeditors who know much less. Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your help! Unfortunately I'm in UK not USA so I can't send to Ross Yerkes. To put it in perspective I acquired the kit of super 66, 85mm, 55mm 2 backs and prism finder for approx ?150 ($250). Therefore I was going to do any repair work myself. I wonder if there are any repair manuals online anywhwere? I am impressed with the camera, especially for the price paid!



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