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My foray into medium format....


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I made a decision to give medium format a try, went into Adorama, and

picked up a used Yashica Mat 124G in excellent condition.


Any tips, or links to any good websites, on beginning with TLR's and

medium format photography would be appreciated.


Also, one more thing. On eBay, I consistently see this model camera

going for $150-$200. I paid $300 for mine, which is in excellent

mechanical and cosmetic condition. The only cosmetic flaws are some

paint missing from the edges, and one of the pins on the bottom that

keep the camera balanced on a flat surface are missing (The camera

still stands straight however). All shutter speeds and apertures

work, as well as the meter. The shutter speed/aperture selection

dials, focus knob, and film crank all work smoothly. The inside of

the camera is spotless - not a speck of dirt or dust anywhere. A

strap and a lens cap were also included.


Do you guys think I overpaid? I also received a 7-day money back

guarantee, as well as a 100-day warranty with my purchase. Do you

think $300 plus tax is too much for this camera?


Thanks for your input!

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Sounds about $100 too much to me. For that price it should have the case and manual and not be missing any pieces. Does the meter work? I seem to remember that camera taking a mercury battery which has to be replaced with a more expensive substitute these days.


You'll also want a lens hood. The right size Rollie one will work.


Good luck.

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I think the price is a little high, but I think that you'd find similar prices in other stores. Keep in mind that a reputable store is going to sell items that are in good working order, and if there is a problem you can take it back. You even received a money back guarantee and a warranty with your camera. With ebay on the other hand, you take what you get. It is a question of how risk averse you are. I paid $65 for a Yashica Mat EM (selenium light meter & same lenses as 124 G). In doing so however, I took more of a risk than you did.


For general info try



For assembly charts try


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Justin: If you want to become a good black and white photographer, one of the old TLR's is a great teacher. Here are some reasons:

1. It is slow to operate. You must measure the light, adjust speed and aperture, move closer or farther away and focus before clicking the shutter. In other words, you have to think a lot about each shot.

2.Looking at the ground glass is like looking at a picture. You are more aware of composition and areas which are in and out of focus.

3. Colour is much less brilliant than with an eye level view finder. You will have a much better idea of what your B & W print will look like.

4. If you hold the TLR against your body, you can shoot at much slower speeds than with an SLR. This may mean the difference between carrying a tripod or not.

5. If there is any action, you must plan your shot carefully ahead of time. Planning is an important part of your photo education.

6. The square format lets you take in more sky etc. in a horizontal shot, without tilting the camera.

7. Medium format gives you bigger contact prints for inspection and permits more drastic cropping than 35 mm.

As to what you paid, my experience is that if you wait for a super bargain, you might wait for 10 years.

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The price sounds a little high. I was able to find an absolutly mint 124G for $275.00. Not only was it mint, but it came with a Vivitar flash, Sunpak flash bracket, Wein light meter, cables, case, lens caps, the docs for the 124G and Vivitar flash and a Tamrac bag to hold it all in. It also had a few extras with it.


I agree with the previous posters, that this camera really gives you a different look to photography vs. 35mm.

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Excellent responses overall... and I strongly second the last response. If you REALLY follow the auctions on Ebay... there is some serious coin in the last few minutes going down on some items. That $150-200 easily turns into that $250 or $275. Sure - you'll get a "deal" every now and then and that's great - if your luck runs that way. Unfortunately, mine doesn't!


I put a lot into "piece of mind." Just as one of the previous posters said... you have a 90 day warranty. If you are happy with the camera... enjoy it! If it has a few nicks of paint off here and there and it's not "dead mint" - so be it. Ex++ cosmetics and solid mechanical action is a good combination too. In the end... it's what's important to you.


Many more times than not - I have gone your direction, not really paying that much more - but I know what I have purchased is "solid"

by way of a warranty. Have a good time with MF!


Cheers... Gr

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Make sure, if you shoot print film, to get your prints printed at a high quality lab. You may or may not know but consistent quality printing can sometimes be very hard to find. I have had medium color 5x7 prints made that were not just bad on color and exposure but horribly bad on sharpness. You would think it was taken with a cheap disposable camera.I could then later print my own b/w versions of the same negatives on Panalure (I don't print my own color) paper that ended up having fanatstic sharpness and detail. The question is often asked if you would notice the difference in quality with smaller print sizes when comparing 35mm and medium. All I have to say about that is I can easily see the difference even with 4x5 prints made with my Fuji GA645 compared to 4x6 made with my 35mm.


While still under warranty I would test the camera on a good solid tripod with slide film first to test for sharpness, shutter speed consistency and any other problems that could otherwise go unnoticed.


Don't worry about the price and go have fun with your camera. I also started with a YashicaMat 124G and you will be very happily suprised at the difference in image quality between medium and 35mm. By the way I used the meter in my Canon Elan IIe to meter for the YashicaMat124G. I mention this just in case you find the builtin meter to be a problem.

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Justin At this point I would not worry about the cost of the camera just think about that the next time you go to by something. If you bought this at Adorama I think you probably live in the area. So next time shop around. I have my prossesing done around the corner at Flatiron they are very professional the work they do and the treatment they give you but just concentrate on taking pictures I find 6x6 slides the most inexpensive way to go so I shoot alot more and don't worry about cost and I like having color. I have used Yasica TLR's for years they are aot of fun.

Dave Frank

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