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Where do the good ones go when they die????


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Where do the "good ones" go when they die????

Where does "good" equipment go when it dies????


I´m looking for two Hasselblad backs.

Any size or shape. Damaged or undamaged.

They don´t need to work or have an insert.


I have asked for it in many stores but I

don´t get a good lead.


Thank you very much for your time and

kind attention to this matter.


Truly yours,


Ignacio Molina.

Yucatán, Mexico.

e-m: imolinav@hotmail.com

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"Old, good ones never die, never...." They just end up on eBay with the proviso "I don't know anything about cameras, but it belonged to my uncle, and it should work just fine." Along with "All sales final. Pay by Money Order or Chashier's Check only."
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I am in the same situation. I have been looking for a Nikon 35-70f2.8 non-D lens in any condition. I only need the front lens element (Nikon no longer has any in stock.) I don't care what has happened to the rest of the camera. Can you tell what happened to mine?


I have not been able to locate a "Photographic Junk Yard".

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You would be surprised how much "treasure" sits in back rooms of small photo shops! I beg to paw through "bone barrels" and occasionally come up with jewels. The ebay route is one possible. Sometimes Cameta Camera and others (see Shutterbug mag.) post "as-is" or clearance advertisements. Have fun!
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Try B&H, other majors "used dept's" they have usually had or found what I was looking for to fill one of my hair brained projects. E-bay always a source, but "buyer be ware". Patience, it took me 6 months to find a back for just parts but the cost was worth it.


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