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OM4T versus Leica M7 ?


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Any Leica M users here? I'm wondering how an M6 or M7 compares to an



I am wondering what it would be like to trade in my OM system for an

M7. I know I'm comparing rangefinder to slr, but am thinking about

the size and handling of the Leica M versus the OM4T.


I seem to use my OM for the kinds of photos Leica users take, but

everytime I read the pros and cons of the Leica M7, I think "my OM

does it better."


Does anyone here have any experience with both systems?



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I sort of qualify. I run an M3 and a couple of OM-2s. Mostly if I have to go out and get a shot or shots that I like, the OMs come with me. They're more versatile, as any SLR would be. But the Leica is more of an experience. I'm finally after 2 years with the M3 feeling comfortable with it. The OMs are actually lighter by the way.


Don't trade until you've messed around with the M7 for a while; you might just be wanting your OM-4s back. Although dollarwise, a 4T can substantially help toward the cost of a Leica.

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Years ago I traded in my Leica M4 and bought an Olympus OM-3. Admittedly the Leica had a light leak that two different technicians and a couple of hundred dollars for trying couldn't solve. Each camera has a lot going for it, but one thing is absolutely better on the OM-3's and 4's, and that's the light meter. If you use and appreciate the precision exposures that you can achieve with your OM-4t's multi-spot metering system you'll regret giving it up. I don't think anyone's ever made a better in-camera meter.
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