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Photographing New York


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From Easter I'll be in NYC for a week, photographing mainly b&w

medium format. I've been several times before and I'm learning

how to make good use of my time in the City quite well, but I have

two questions.


Apart from the Empire State Building - which I find just too high

and a pain to access anyway- is there anywhere else of more

modest height that I can access to photograph. I'd love to be

able to get closer to water towers and that sort of thing, but it's

all sort of remote from an 86th floor(or whatever).


Specifically and quite different, does anyone know how I might

go about getting permission to photograph from near the top of

the Chrysler Building? I'd love to photograph those gargoyles

but I've never worked out how to get beyond the lobby!

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Security is tough these days in NYC. I'm not sure you'd get access without a

prearrangement. One idea though, would be to look for restaraunts on building tops. I

can't think of any other than a place called 'Nirvana' that overlooks Central Park, facing

north. It's an Indian restaraunt, a bit pricey, but a nice view. I'm sure you could find some

more, bars as well, with either a web search or also by asking around when you get there.

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