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Lens hood for Canon EF 35mm/f2


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I saw the recommended lens hood for EF 35mm/f2 is Canon EW-65II. This

hood also fits Canon 28mm/f2.8 lens. To me, this looks like the EW-

65II hood is shorter than it should be for efficiently shading the

35mm lens. There is another hood, more efficient than Canon EW-65II,

and fits the EF 35mm/f2 lens?


Thank you.

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I believe both EW-65 hoods have the same physical dimensions; they probably differ by the II having a black rayon fitted inside to further reduce reflections. I use the deeper ES-65 hood with my 35/2; have never seen any vignetting. (FWIW, Canon recommends the ES-65 hood for the 50/1.8 mark I, though that lens is better served by the deeper ET-65 hood.)
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I agree with Peter. Try to find the ES-65 hood. It will not vignette on the film. In fact, when I just looked through the viewfinder, my ET-65 didn't vignette, either, but I didn't check it on film and it's physically too long, anyway. What you may need to do, though, is sand down one side of the ES-65 in order to reverse mount it on the 35/2 and camera body, depending on the body and, supposedly, whether you find the ES-65 I or II. If you sand it down, you can reverse mount it on any camera if you orient the sanded portion toward the pentaprism.


The ES-65 will vignette with the 28/2.8, but only at either close focus or infinity; I can't remember which.

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I brought ET-65 III (intended for canon EF 90mm tilt/shift) and I ran several tests to see if it vignetes (close and infinity focus, wide open and stopped down). It works perfectly, no vigneting, regardless of conditions. The hood is really HUGE (bigger than the lens itself), but it shades efficiently, and even I can mount it reversed while the lens on camera.


Thanks to all, your advices were very usefull (that's why I love photo.net forum).

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